Best friends

566 10 0


I'm floating, floating through the day.
And all I want to do is hug her.
To see her
To see her smiley face.
Her beautiful smile which is all I need to get through the day.
But she is not here.
And I want to yell.
I want to swear at her.
I want to be mad at her.
But I want to paint her a picture.
I want it to be the most beautiful picture out there
I want it to be a picture of her beautiful eyes,
A picture of her beautiful smile
Her beautiful hair
But I want to scream and cry at her
But it's not her fault.
It's not her fault she has no idea how I feel.
It's not her fault I fell for my best friend.
It's mine.
It's all my fault.
It's my fault she seems to be my happy.
And I'm her sad.
I'm her best friend and it will never be anything more.
I will never be able to place my hand with hers, feel our skin touch, for our hands to fit perfectly together.
Cause we are best friends and nothing more.

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