XVII. fish

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An alarmed stork reached the usual meeting spot of the team that consisted of himself, a crab, a fish and a siren. He landed, searching around frantically.

"Where is...? No, where is...? Where are they?!" He panicked. It was almost midnight when the stork called, "Flounder! Where are you?!"

He looked around, not desiring to attract unwanted attention, for humans thought the only possible relationship between a stork and a fish was that of prey and hunter. Expectantly, he stared at the water, waiting for his brilliantly blue and yellow friend to pop out.

No, he is late! Why is he late, now? Did he...? No, did he?!, he thought



Ignoring all propriety and manners, he yelled at the top of his lungs, using his normally noisy voice, "Flounder!"

He yelled as far as the wind could carry his heavy voice, piercing the clouds and rattling the unsettled waves. He yelled with his broken heart and proud beak, letting his voice soar. Little did he know, his heartbroken scream alarmed the birds all over the country, calling out for all the favours which he was owed. Neither did he know that his vigilance awakened the night itself as he yelled like never before.

His head fell between his shoulders as he panted in exertion.

"Don't yell." The small fish popped out of the water, innocently. Scuttle's head snapped up to look at him.

"Where were you?!" He demanded. "Where is Sebastian?!"

"Don't snap at me either!" Flounder whined, shifting in discomfort. The stork's eyes softened at the sight of his small one's sad eyes. "I don't know where Sebastian is. He left earlier to try to reach Ariel."

He is alone, Scuttle gasped mentally.

"He left you?!" Scuttle exclaimed.

"I do not need a babysitter. I can take care of myself!" The blue eyes of the young one reddened as he held in the sadness.

"No, you do not, my friend." Scuttle reassured, knowing how his young friend regularly undermined his own strength and his self worth.

"Do not say that just to comfort me! I am not delicate either!" The innocent teenager groaned.

"I am not, and now you are just exploding for no reason." Scuttle rolled his eyes.

"It does not matter anyway. Nothing does, anymore." The small fish sniffled. The stork felt his heart sink before his eyes snapped up as his friend started talking again, "Why did you call, Scuttle?"

In response, the stork collected back his thoughts, "Because I can count on you. Because... Because I saw the prince! I have been following him all day." He shook his head as a hopeful grin started growing on his face.

"Flounder, he is gathering troops! He will fight back."

"He is too late, Scuttle."

"No, listen! Out of all of us, he has had the most access to Ariel in the past two days. Don't you think he would have talked to her? We can still help Ariel-"

"We can't even get to her! And you know he abandoned her."

"He did not! He was deceived. You know that, Flounder! Don't you go down that road!" Scuttle's tone sharpened as he waved his wings in exasperation, making the fish flinch. His voice turned gentle once more, "We can try to get to her. We cannot fail her by not trying. We owe her our lives, you know that, because she is our friend - our kin."

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