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Mina sighed, running a hand through her hair, before opening the door. She turned the light on in the little area they were in, and saw the neighbor's bright, smiling face beaming up at her.

Wow. She's even smaller up close, Mina thought, as she let Chaeyoung in.

The small girl was carrying a dish that was covered, and offered it to the Japan native.

"What's this?" Mina asked.

"It's cake! For you!"

Cake? This stranger made Mina a cake? But they hardly knew each other!

Mina gave her a suspicious look. She could be getting poison from the cake. This girl could've put something in it. "What did you put in this?" Mina asked.

Chaeyoung gave her a confused look, then shook her head. "Nothing but the usual eggs, flour, milk--"

"Why would you make a complete stranger a cake?"

"Because I want to get along with all my neighbors!"

Mina almost let out a sarcastic laugh. Clearly, nobody has told Chaeyoung about Mina, and how she hardly talks to anybody in the neighborhood. Or anybody in general.

"You're wishing big, because you're never going to get along with me, kid."

Chaeyoung pouted, which would have been cute to other people. But Mina wasn't "other people". She blankly looked down at her short neighbor, wondering when she would take the hint to leave.

But Chaeyoung didn't leave. Instead, she continued talking to the Japanese as if nothing was wrong.

"How come? I think you're pretty nice."

Mina was taken aback. Clearly, Chaeyoung hadn't been there for long. Give it a day or two. Chaeyoung would learn not to mess with the quieter girl.

"You know nothing about me. Now, I suggest for you to scram before I kick you out."

"Well, can you at least accept this cake? I made it with lots of love!"

"I don't care. Leave."

Defeated, Chaeyoung trudged out the house, looking down into the cake she made. Mina slammed the door behind her, irritated that she had to pause her game of chess for something so stupid like that.

"Stupid girl," Mina sighed, before she took the opponent's king, and won the game. It was like taking candy from a baby.

The next morning, Mina woke up late. An advantage of working from home is that you can wake up at any time you want to. No annoying alarm clocks to worry about. And she had no dog that has to be let out early, so she had no excuse to get up early.

After showering and eating breakfast, Mina started doing whatever her boss assigned to her to do, until the time for mail came. She watched as the mail truck pulled off to the next house, and she jumped up, excited. The new chess set she ordered came in today, and she couldn't wait to break it out.

Almost happily--almost--Mina got up and went to the door. She threw it open, and almost stepped out, until she saw a basket in front of her door. Confused, since she didn't expect her chess set to be wrapped up and in a basket, Mina picked it up and examined its' contents. It contained a variety of sweets including cakes, cookies, and candies. A card swung around, and Mina caught it before reading it.

I will make you like me, unnie!


Mina rolled her eyes, and sat the basket inside the house before walking to her mailbox. She ignored the wave she got from her neighbor, who was standing in her own doorway, and retrieved her present before going back in the house.

Maybe it won't be that simple to get it through Chaeyoung's head.

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