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Chaeyoung sighed as she stared at the chess piece her grandmother just moved, the rook. She had texted and called Mina all day, but to receive no response. It wasn't like anything happened bad last night, as far as she knew. So why would Mina just suddenly ignore her?

"What's wrong, sweetie?" The elderly voice questioned, bringing Chaeyoung to focus on her grandmother instead.

Chaeyoung sighed and shook her head. "It's nothing, grandma."

"It certainly isn't just 'nothing'. I know my granddaughter, and she certainly wouldn't have just let me take her knight like I just have."

Chaeyoung saw one of her knights on her grandma's side of the chess board, along with some pawns, a bishop, and a rook. Wow, she really wasn't paying good attention.

With a sigh, Chaeyoung set her arms on the table, pushing the chess board a little away from her. "It's just...a friend of mine—"

"Do you mean Mina?" Her grandmother interrupted with a soft smile.

A blush appeared on Chaeyoung's cheeks as she pushed a pawn forward. "Well, yeah. It's just...I like her...kinda—"

"It seems to me you like her more than just 'kinda'."

The small girl whipped her head up to see her grandmother's smile. Right before her pawn was captured by her grandma's rook, of course. But Chaeyoung wasn't expecting it nor for her grandmother's next words.

"You love the girl, don't you?"

Chaeyoung felt her face be set on fire, but she didn't deny it. It just surprised her that her grandmother was fine with it.

The elderly woman chuckled before patting her granddaughter's head. "You can talk to me, you know. There was a reason your grandfather is never talked about."

The girl gasped. "You mean..."

"There are a few things you don't know about this old woman, dear. But, for your situation, you should tell this girl how you feel. You never know where it might take you."

Chaeyoung nodded. "But I don't know if she feels the same way."

"And you won't know until you put on your big girl pants and tell her. She just might be the woman you spend the rest of your life with."

The elder smiled before standing and beginning to walk back inside the home from the patio they were sitting at, just shy of touching the area reserved for gardening. Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"We haven't finished the game yet."

The woman turned around before nodding at the board. "Checkmate."

A chuckle was heard as Chaeyoung looked down and realized that she really had lost. But she wasn't in the mood to be upset. She had a surprise to plan for Mina.

I just got a stroke of inspiration and decided to finish this draft I had.

Ughhhh I'm making this way longer than I need to lmao.

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