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Chaeyoung was never good at listening to advice. When people have told her many times to stop acting as if "everyday was an adventured filled with sunshine and unicorns", she didn't listen. She walked right past them, beaming brightly while wearing a cute dress one might see a doll wearing.

This time was no different. After the day Mina slammed her door shut in her face, Chaeyoung was walking right back up the steps, carrying a platter of cakes she made the night before. There was something about the salty and bitter attitude of Mina that made Chaeyoung want to see her more.

She frowned at the giant teddy bear that was sitting next to the trash can, and went and dragged it up the steps, pulling it by the ear. Then she rang the doorbell many times, catching on that it was the only way Chaeyoung would actually get Mina to visit the door.


Mina had flung the door open, only to looked down at her next-door neighbor and her treats. And the bear she threw out yesterday.

"Afternoon!" Chaeyoung greeted brightly.

Mina rubbed her face, groaning. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you heed my warning like your smart friend did?"

"Because, if you knew me, you'd know I don't listen."

"Well, I don't care about knowing you. Now if you'd mind, I'm going to go back and pretend you never existed."

Chaeyoung laughed, finding it so funny that Mina could be so down and negative all the time. Before, Chaeyoung had merely thought it was an act and tried to find times where Mina would slip up. So far, that hasn't occurred, and Chaeyoung laughed about it.

"What's so funny?" Mina asked.

"You!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, catching her breath. She held her hand to her chest, struggling to breathe. When no air went in her lungs, she began to panic.

Her hands disappeared from under the dish, which was caught by Mina, due to her quick reflexes.

Chaeyoung reached in her pocket and pulled out a small, blue inhaler. She fumbled around with it for a bit before inserting it into her mouth and pushing down on the button. She took a deep breath while doing so, eyes closing. She repeated the steps once more before putting it away.

"Asthma?" A small voice asked.

Chaeyoung momentarily forgot where she was, until she saw Mina in front of her, holding her platter.

"Oh, yeah," Chaeyoung waved. "It's nothing. I carry it around everywhere so I don't just suddenly die, you know?"

The small Korean smiled, while Mina just stared at her. Chaeyoung couldn't read her expression at all.

"Well, at least you caught the cakes! They were for you anyways. I hope you enjoy! And, I found his bear outside, and I am not very happy with where his home was."

Chaeyoung put her hands on her hips and gave Mina a stern look. The Japanese absentmindedly gazed down at the giant bear by her feet.

"Oops," was all she said. Then she shook her head and looked at Cheyoung.

"Leave. Now."

"Okay, but only if you take the bear in. And keep it."

Mina rolled her eyes. It was stupid to be arguing over some dumb bear that was big enough to hide a bomb inside. It could explode and kill her as soon as she enters the house!

"Absolutely not," Mina replied.

"Why not?" Chaeyoung pouted.

"Because. I said so."

Chaeyoung stomped her foot and crossed her arms. She reminded Mina of a five-year-old that doesn't get her way. She almost chuckled because the girl was kind of cute.

"That's not fair! Pleeeeease?"


"Pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeease?"


"Just for tonight?"


"I'll make you more cake!"


Later, at night, Mina sat on her bed and looked at the bear in the corner of her room. She rolled her eyes and sighed before laying down and turning her lamp off. She didn't even bother throwing it back in the trash the next morning.

So, the story is (hopefully) beginning to get interesting! It won't always be fluff, though, and there will be some dark times. Maybe I should put a trigger warning in the book...

Little Miss Sunshine || MiChaeng✔️Where stories live. Discover now