The Closet Door Part 4: Spiders

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I thought I was so funny, back in the day. Oh dear.

As the company passed through the wood, all the spiders gathered at their special meeting place just behind the travelers. The chief, a tarantula, held the counsel at one of the trees that Luke had cut a web from. His wife, a black widow named Queen Matilda, was already making evil plans to stew the travelers with onions, garlic, and tomatoes, after she'd bit them, of course. Maybe some mosquitoes too, you never know what travelers taste like with mosquitoes.
As she was thinking these venomous thoughts, the rest of the spiders were planning how to catch the travelers. They knew well enough that Queen Matilda would take care of them after they were caught for she would start boiling the other ingredients while the other spiders were hunting. They brought a few "friends" with them, snakes, who had "promised" not to eat them. Some beetles were nearby and one said, "Nice trustin' snakes, always has a bad end. Usually fangs." then he started chasing a beautiful ladybug and got stuck in a trap of the spiders'.
Meanwhile, Anadi was talking about how grand his tree halls would be when he got these "old cobwebs" out, and Sprengle was merely listening, though it was hard to do with Anadi talking non-stop about his halls of splendor and their beauty, but then he heard a distinctive whizzing sound. It was too late. Millions of spiders came pouring out of the trees. Hope screamed and bolted. Sprengle, grabbing Caroline, ran off with Faith running behind. Sprengle's only thought was, "I've got to get these girls to safety."
As Sprengle brought them to a safe place, he told Caroline to keep a watch out for spiders and that he was going back to rescue Anadi, Luke, and Lilac. When Sprengle got the the site, he found disaster. All he could make out of his friends were three bundles and hoofprints. There was blook and the smell of garlic, onions, tomatoes, and maybe some mosquitoes, was in the air. Millions of spiders were crowded around the bundles and they were fighting about who would get to kill them when all of a sudden, Queen Matilda appeared, giving orders to one of her serervants to pick up the smallest bundle and to another to pick up what seemed to be Anadi, and around five to pick up the largest, Luke.
None of them noticed Sprengle, they were too engrossed in the prisoners, until Anadi's bundle said, "Sprengle! Let us out!" All the spiders started swarming around him. Queen Matilda set guards for the prisoners and went off to gather more ingredients since they would be getting more meat.
Meanwhile, Caroline was calming down Hope and Faith who were worried about Luke, "He's going to get eaten by the spiders, and Anadi too!" sobbed Hope.
Caroline had read Narnia and Lord of the Rings, so she was more worried about Sprengle and Anadi, for she was almost certain that Luke would just never be able to come back to Walimpia ever again, and she was not sure if anybody wanted him there anyway, so Sprengle was her main concern. But Sprengle had made her promise not to follow him.
"Oh, this is so difficult, and to think all of this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for Luke. Luke!"

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