Chapter 11 - Fun with Holly and Clair

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*Hollie's POV*
It's been two weeks and I still haven't got to see Lilly, she's never home. But I'm still determined to find her. I go around to her house again today but still not home. I think I might give up on it for a bit and then catch her when she least expects it, no she's to smart for that. I guess I'll just have to hope that I happen to bump into her at the shops or something. I get in my car and drive back home, again.

*Jessie's POV*
How much longer is it going to take until Hollie realizes that she's not going to be seeing Lilly anytime soon? I'm going to tell Lilly tonight that she's going to be staying here with Clair and Holly while I go back to Australia to do the blind auditions for the voice. I know she'll be a bit upset that she can't come with me but I did try to convince my manager to let her come but he just want having none of it. But she'll also be happy that she's staying with Clair, not that she can't look after herself but it's so Hollie can't find her. I get the last of my clothes packed because I leave tomorrow morning but I'm going to drop her off at Clair's after I tell her.


Lilly didn't take the news to well but she's happy that I won't be gone for too long. The 22 hour plane trip was horrible, there was a turbulence and I'm terrified of them although I'm not sure why.

*Lilly's POV*

I'm staying at Clair's place while Jess is doing filming which is gonna be fun I guess but I'll definitely miss her. Tomorrow me and Clair are going to go shopping, and if you know me I love shopping.


*Clair's POV*

Lilly's staying at my place with me for a week while Jess is doing filming. Today I'm going to take Lilly out shopping even though Jess had bought her a heap of clothes and other shit already. But you can NEVER have too many clothes in my opinion.
We got to the mall with only one or two fans wanting photos and whatnot, but I can almost guarantee that they'll be more while we're shopping.


We got home after a few hours of shopping because the fans were just getting worse by the minute. We managed to do some did shopping while we were there as well so we bought chips, dip, chocolate, sweets. You name it we got it, I think we bought nearly everything that they sold! We got bored of the crappy shows that were on TV so I let Lilly go and pick a movie for us to watch, she came back after awhile with the whole twilight saga in her arms.
"I really don't think we're gonna need that many Lils," I say. " Lilly just shrugged her shoulders in response. "We should see if Holly wants to watch them with us!" Lilly says. "Okay I'll call her now," I reply.

Many hours later we had finished the whole lot, well I should say I did because Lilly and Holly fell asleep halfway through the third one, eclipse. I picked up my phone and took a picture of them two and sent it to Jess saying that they fell asleep while we were watching twilight. After about ten or so minutes I was getting bored so I got up and filled two glasses of water to tip on Lilly and Holly's heads. I came back into the lounge room and poured the water on their heads. Lilly nearly screamed and Holly started chasing me around the house.

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