Chapter 4 - Meeting the Fans

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"I gotta go see some fans, wanna come with babe?" Jessie asked. "Sure, if we see Holly you can give her a piece of your mind?" I said smiling before we walked out hand in hand. "Don't you think its too early to tell the fans about us Jess?" I asked in a concerned tone. "Probably, but I won't able to keep my hands off of you so we might as well tell them straight up." Jessie said smiling. "Okay baby, I'm happy with anything you feel we should do." I said before giving her a peck on the cheek. "I'm so glad you guys came to my show tonight because I have a special announcement to make!" Jessie said still smiling from ear to ear. "What is it Jessie?! Tell us! We love you!", they all screamed so excitedly. "Well, you see this beautiful girl standing next to me", Jessie said before squeezing my hand, "I love her, and I'm proud to say we are dating." Jessie said finishing her sentence by planting a kiss on my lips. "You two are so cute together!" a fan yelled out getting our attention. "Thank you, um, what's your name?" Jessie said sounding embarrassed. "Amber, my name is Amber!" the fan said smiling. We met a few other fans and then we went home. 
"I'm so glad that they all approved of you babe, I didn't think they would want to see me with a girl." Jessie said sighing with relief. "I'm glad they did as well Jessie." I said smiling. Then we continued to drive home in silence. Before long we had arrived back at Jessie's home. "Lets go to bed Lily." Jessie said before picking me up bridal style and carrying me up the stairs and to our bedroom. It's been weird calling it our bedroom, but I'm getting used to it. Jessie placed me onto our bed before throwing me some clothes to sleep in from her gigantic wardrobe. "Go get changed and have a shower, you stink." Jessie smirked and waved me off towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower, got undressed and jumped into the shower. I didn't take long unlike Jessie who took close to an hour, maybe longer. I got dressed into the clothes Jessie had given me and then got into bed with Jessie. She pulled me into a loving hug and our lips locked before saying goodnight and going to sleep. I knew she was tired, who wouldn't be after performing at a concert and doing a meet and greet with the fans.


A.N. : sorry that this is a really short crappy chapter, it probably isn't even worth calling it a chapter. But it was focused on meeting the fans after the show so the chapter title would relate to what happened. So I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any suggestions, ideas or anything you want or think should happen, please don't hesitate to let me know via the comments section or my Instagram jessie_j_heartbeat_28

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