Our Memories - Chapter 41

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Ayo ladies and gentlemen~ xD I'm back! Sorry for the late update! I was busy with school today! I hope it was a fun chapter to read! Please VOTE AND COMMENT! I'll update as soon as possible! Thanks for reading! I love you!

A hand caught me by my wrist and pulled me back to the surface...it was Jungkook....I wasn't able to move but I could still see what's going on...

" yah...are you okay? " Jungkook said lightly slapping my cheek as we got to the surface...I tried to say something but nothing came out....I closed my eyes...

" Yah! Get her out of the water already! " Joon yelled...Jungkook carried me back to the shore...

" I thought she could swim! " Joon said...my vision was quite blurry...

" she could! " Jungkook snapped...I could feel a hand pressing down on my chest...

" Get your hand off her! " Jungkook snapped...pushing Joons hand away...

" why can't I? I have to save her!" Joon yelled back...Jungkook ignored him and started pressing onto my chest...he leaned forward and blowed air into my mouth...it was warm...I tried moving but I couldn't...ahhh this is sooo frustrating..

" Stop it! " Joon said pushing Jungkook away and started pressing on to my chest again...he leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine...

" Yah! You barely know her! Don't touch her! " Jungkook said shoving Joon away....the thing is...I didn't drown guys...I just can't move....

" Why could you touch her and I can't!? " Joon snap glaring at Jungkook...

" because I'm her....her...her....friend! " he said looking down...

" See-"

" G-guys...." I managed to slip it out of my mouth....

" Oh?..are you okay..." Jungkook said pulling me up into a sitting position...I slowly moved...

" I-I didnt drown....." I whispered looking at Jungkook....

" are you cold?! " Joon ask taking off this jacket and placing it over my shoulder..

" she must be...let's get moving..." Jungkook said lifting me...Joon tried to pull me away..

" No the last time I let you carry her you fucking threw her off the cliff without any warnings! " Jungkook snapped...Joon stayed silent and helped me onto Jungkooks back...we went into the forest...We took some rest as Joon started to build the fire...

" This should warm us up..." he said sitting beside me...I was shivering so he gave me a hug...it was warm...really warm...

" Yah! " Jungkook pushed Joon away...

" what's wrong with you! Can't you see that she's shivering?! " Joon snapped...Jungkook stood up and sat between me and Joon...

" Yes I should sit here. Don't touch her." He said shortly...is he jealous or what?...I sighed....I sat there watching the fire....

" here..." Joon said handing back our phones....Jungkook tried turning it on...

" It ran out of battery..." Joon said...Jungkook went on about how his phone was waterproof...

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