Our Memories - Chapter 28

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Back! Hehe pretty much ch I didn't study for any of my exam because I was too lazy! Do you like this chapter? Haha hope you do! PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! I'll update as soon as possible! Ehehehehehehe!

I went unconscious after that. Pretty much the next day the Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin took turn staying with me. Jimin would spend time with me in the morning, Jungkook in the afternoon and Hoseok at night.

" Do you feel okay? Are you okay? Are you hungry? " Jimin ask...I shook my head and laid down on his lap...

" I'm fine..." I said holding on to his hand...

" Jungkook shouldn't look after you! I don't trust him..." Jimin shook his head....

" he's actually a fine guy...Just mean at times..." I said...

" Don't fall for that..." Jimin said...

" where's my phone? " I said getting up...

" no! You need to rest! " Jimin pull me back down...I sigh...

" did you really kill her? " I ask closing my eyes...

" do you think I did? " Jimin ask...

" No..I don't think so..." I said...

" Thanks for trusting me.." Jimin rub my cheek....

" I love you..." I said holding on to his hand tightly...He lean down to kiss my forehead...and we both fell asleep on the couch together....I didn't dream though...It was around 12:00 when Jimin left...I kissed him goodbye...Hungrily I walk into the kitchen...nothing. I walk back into the living room almost falling to my butt to see Jungkook sitting on the couch...

" ho-"

" learn to lock the door it's not safe..." He said  looking up...

" Thanks for the food..." I smile walking to the table...digging into the food...

" you full yet? " he ask after 20 minutes...I nod...

" clean up...we're going out...I don't want to stay here..." He said picking up the trash and taking it outside...I pull on my jacket and walked out locking the door....

" where are we going? It's really hot..." I shield my eyes...

" Let's go Ice skating then. " He said. As he went into his car. I went in.

" I'm so sleepy..." I groan...

" Tsk. Eat. Sleep. What? You want to turn into a pig? " He said starting his car engine.

" So what? I'm already a pig! " I snap rubbing my belly....

" I wonder why girls like to say they're fat when their bone is about to break for being so skinny" Jungkook said driving off...

" Don't go ice skating. I want to watch a movie " I said...soon later we got to the cinema and bought the food and ticket. Yay. I could sleep in the cinema. I let Jungkook watch the movie by himself as I fell asleep...

Glass shattering. A crooked smile.

I woke up panicking again. Jungkook was on his phone. The theater is empty..

" Kaja...." I stretch...

" I shouldn't have fall for that. " He said standing up.

" cause you're too dumb." I smile making my way out..

" tsk. Whatever. " He roll his eyes..

" So wh-" I was cut off dead.

" hello? What's wrong with you? " Jungkook said looking me confuse. It can't be. There in front of me was Jimin and a girl I don't know walking together. Laughing and smiling.

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