An Important Announcement

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I wake up with the nice sunshine touching my face. As I get up I see something really hot across my window. Jack was shirtless and his little muscles were showing. It looked like he has been working out for about 3 months but he had a six-pack and biceps in his arms.

"Are you trying to catch flies?" Jack said joking around. Oh no! he caught me looking at him.

"N-no no not at all. Um I-I wa-as looking at at the-e bird it-it was g-giving birth." I stuttered nervously.

He started laughing at me. I know it was stupid of what I said, birds don't give birth.

"Don't worry, girls dig them." He said.

"No, I wasn't looking at that." I said nervously.

"You shouldn't worry because I saw you naked yesterday night when you were putting your pajamas."


"Hey, you have an attractive body too!"


"We are even now."

"What ever." I shut my window and walk away. I forgot that Jack moved into the vacant house. I was so used of it being empty. As I brush my teeth, get dressed, and brush my hair, I go downstairs.

"Good morning!" I greet my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey! How did you sleep?" She asked.


"That's nice."

"You made French Toast!" I said excited.

"Yes I did."

"All citizens! Stop what you are doing and leave your houses immediately! President Asher would like to speak to you. Again, all citizens, stop what you are doing and leave your houses immediately!" A voice called out from the sky. This was President Asher's assistant. Now that it is 2047, he can project himself from the sky.

"Guess you have to eat your French toast later." My mom said. We left our house and found the rest of the people coming out of their homes. We see Jack and his mom coming out of their house and we go and join them. Jack and I look each other awkwardly.

"What does this president want now." Mrs. Evans said annoyed.

"I don't know. He hasn't called us out in a long time." My mom said.

"Hey look I'm sorry." Jack said shyly.

"Its okay." I said pleased.

We look at each other for a moment.

"The president will be talking in one, two, three." The voice called out again.

"Hello citizens! I'm sorry I didn't give a reminder." The president said with a cheesy smile.

"What I really want to talk to you about is our American population. Since 2014, it grew 85% and we have been destroying our planet to make new house. We cancelled the building of homes in space for the same reason. The council and I had thought of something that many of us don't think is very pleasing. We decided to destroy the world." The words 'destroy the world' made everyone whisper to one another. Why did we pick this president? He is so stupid he wants things his way.

"This is going to work by separating you guys in different boxes. In each one of them, there will be a phenomenon. There will be 19 boxes with a secret escape. Those who get out alive, have to report to box number one where there will be no escape or phenomenon." The president explained. "Now take a quick look at the chart of the Different Phenomenas

Box#2: Tornados

Box#3: Hurricanes

Box#4: Working non-stop

Box#5: Sand storms

Box#6: Earthquakes

Box#7: Nuclear bomb

Box#8: War

Box#9: Flooding

Box#10: Zombie attack

Box#11: Acid Rains

Box#12: Deadly gasses

Box#13: Deadly diseases

Box#14: Heat

Box#15: Demon attacks

Box#16: Blizzards

Box#17: Astroid showers

Box#18: Starvation

Box#19: Vampires."

Wait what, vampires?

"Now, here I present the one and only man made vampire!" The president presented.

"Hello everybody! I'm the first vampire that scientists have ever created." Damien said in a British accent. "Every one died on the test and me, a sixteen year old boy was the only one that survived the test." This Damien guy is actually pretty hot. His fiery red bangs and that black hair were amazing. He had fangs just like a vampire will and he had amazing perfect white teeth. He seemed tall and skinny.

"Who ever gets box number 19, you will live in hell. You won't know what you will be. You will either be food or become one of me." Damien said with a shallow voice. "Beware of me, I'm quite sneaky."

I hope I get box number 19 either for Damien to suck the living life out of me or to make me like him. I won't care because he is pretty hot.

"You have two days to pack your stuff and the military will be handing out your numbers. Thank you for your cooperation." The president said pleased. After the president left from the sky, every one scattered to their houses. I commenced walking to my house and I feel someone grab my arm. "Hey!" I said in anger.

"Calm down little tiger." Jack said. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for saying what I said in the morning."

"Its okay, I wasn't that offended."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I am. I didn't mean to look at you."

"Oh no you did."

"They were just there."

"And so were your boobs."

"Wow, don't pass the line."

"Well see you later."

"See you later." With that I went inside my house to eat my yummy French toast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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