Chapter 21

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Hey guys sorry i took so long to update but i been so busy with music/school/family etc. I really missed writing and so i figured i should continue :) So here it goes x


Niall's P.O.V

Sophie has about 2 more weeks to go until our baby arrives. I was so excited. Me and the lads just got back from another 4-5month tour. Everytime i came home Sophie would grow more and more. she looked really healthy though so that was the good part

I have been so tired lately. I felt like i couldnt do this whole fame thing. I love it and everything. i just miss home and my family so much.

"Niall honey, we have to get ready" My mom came barging in my room

"Where are we going?" I asked confused

"Remember we have to go baby clothes shopping" My mom said looking at me

"Ohh. Right. I forgot, Uhm can Sophie come?" I asked right away

"Niall. I dont think she would want to stand on her feet all the time like shes carrying a baby. Its hard I know for god sakes you were heavy and i had to drag you everywhere" My mom said laughing and walking out the door

"Right....Heavy" I smirked

I began to put my jordans on and grab my sweater. It was summer the wind wasn't that windy at all. It was mid July too

I began to walk downstairs until my phone started ringing. It was a unknown caller. Hmm strange I said to myself

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hello Niall?" I heard some woman on the other end

"Niall speaking who is this?" I said confused

"This is Patty, Simon told me to call and told me to tell you guys that you and the lads well be performing at the britawards tomorrow night. You guys gotta show up early probably around 2pm in the afternoon for practice and all the other stuff" The lady said all at once

"Wow. uhm okay... ill call the lads up then. so i shall see you's tomorrow" I said smiling through the phone

"Okay have a nice day Mr.Horan" The lady said

I got in the truck and began to text all the boys about the news. Me and my mum Maura began to look for a baby store to shop at first.


Harry's P.O.V

Today me and Mimi gone shopping I bought her alot of clothes and every little thing I saw her eye. I love my girl.

"Harry babe, Can we pleaaaase go eat. " Mimi came walking to me all shopped out

"You dont want to shop anymore?" I took my shades off and looked her in the eye

"Well like..... You bought me everything i just glanced at." Mimi smiled at me

I saw her carrying 6 bags and we had a cart full with stuff too

"Ohhh. I didnt notice i bought this much stuff for you" I began to laugh

"Exactly but its okay i love you" Mimi smiled at me and gave me a kiss

We began to walk out of the mall we were in and drove off to find a place to eat

"This car is packed with shopping stuff" Mimi laughed and looked at me

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