11 - Chen

338 21 4

Patient #21
Name: Kim Jong dae
Other names: Chen
Age: 24
Nationality: Korean
Height: 173cm
Ability: lightning
Notes: patients of this group are known to be manipulative. Be wary of any advances or sudden willingness to cooperate.'


Chen is calm as the guards bring him in. Even as the guards shackle him, he shows no signs of aggression.
"Hello again, Dr Chapman." He says with a smile, the end of his lips curving up into cute arches.

Wait, cute? No!

"Hello, Chen." I reply. I trying to compose himself and not make my sudden thoughts known. He's a patient for crying out loud!

"How are you today? I trust the others have been treating you well." Chen chuckles as I bring over the bucket.
"That's one was to put it." I reply with an awkward chuckle.
"Ah, well worry not, you'll get used to it."
Chen shivers when I start washing his arms. "Ah, it's so cold."
"Sorry about that." I smile at him shyly. God damn it Natalie get it together.
"You have a lovely smile." Chen says calmly, as if on cue.
"Oh, uh, thank you." I stumble out.
I finish washing him and walk back to the table to get his plate.
"You know, if you let me down I could feed myself. I'm not a baby." He laughs as I'm walking back to him.
"That's against protocol."
"You said that last time I saw you."
"Well, maybe you should stop making request then." I tease.
"Ouch, you're feisty." He laughs.

Chen eats quietly as I feed him.
"You've very good at your job." He remarks when he's finished.
"All I did was bathe and feed you." I laugh as I walk over to the table.
"You're still good at it." He laughs in reply.
"Ah, well anyway it's time for you to go now."
"Surely we could talk for a bit."
"That's against protocol."
"Is everything against protocol?"
"Everything you ask for is." I reply playfully.
"I should start asking for more then." He chuckles.
I scoff and shake my head, and with that I call for the guards.

"See you soon, doctor." Chen says calmly as he's removed.

(Author's Note: AYE YO IT'S YA BOI)

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