8 - Breaking Down

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I took a seat in between Hayden and Liam while we waited for Mr. Douglas to start his morning teaching. In my opinion, I would rather be erased from reality then be sitting in a class with a bunch of immature Sophomores. I glanced in Liam's direction who had a bored expression on his face while his girlfriend had an intrigued one. How could someone like this class?

"Power," Mr. Douglas spoke up, grabbing a metal rod before walking to the middle of the room, "The ability to control things. This metal has no power. It's small, weak, insignificant. Is there anything we can do to change that?"

I didn't know the answer to the question, but who would? This class is terrible, going to school is terrible, and everything in this room is terrible. I still struggle with the idea of going to school every day, what is it's point? I know we need an education to get a job but how would it help us in life? I turned my head to look at Corey who had just raised his hand, the only one in the class who did.

Mr. Douglas pointed at him, "Corey, what you got?"

"We can add electricity," Corey responded, looking at Mason with a smirk.

"Exactly," Mr. Douglas nodded in approval while walking behind his desk, "We turn this metal rod... into a magnet. Now it has power. Now it has influence... over others."

I looked down at my notebook to focus on the reading that I didn't do last night for this class. I came back to Scott's house late last night and I didn't have time to do any homework upon that hour of the night. When I was busy flipping the pages around, I didn't hear Mr. Douglas start to cough and grunt in pain, a lot- catching my attention from my book.

"Are, are you okay Mr. Douglas?" I asked once his coughing fit turned into more.

"Just a little cough," he responded, shaking his head, "Where were we? Um... Right, now we have electricity, and a little bit of power. Let's add a little more."

At this point, I zoned out of the lesson that he was teaching. I noticed that there was a book underneath mine, making me pull it out to see it was a supernatural guide or some sort. Flipping through the pages, a name popped up, making me stop in my place when I saw the word 'Demi-Dragon' printed in bold letters on top.

Demi-Dragons are rare to find. The last one was seen in 1854 in London when the night was at it's fullest. It's described as a peaceful creature, unless provoked then it turns into a harbinger of death to some. Demi-Dragons have the power to produce fire, and can cause burn marks on their victims when they're threatened.

They also have the power to use astral projection when they want to visit the spirit world. But it takes a lot of strength and will power for it to be accomplished. It drains their strength and when their time is up, they will be warned by a spirit telling them that time is up.


After class was over with, I joined Scott and Lydia in the library to do some more research on what a 'stiles' is. But with no luck, we came short and now we're trying to even more research on something we don't know exists. I glanced over the True Alpha's shoulders when more pages popped up, making him exit them out to see a small definition of the word we've been looking for.

"Stile, an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence," Scott reads out loud.

Lydia placed her lips into a thin before before responding, "Yeah, somehow I don't think these are the stiles we're looking for."

"Maybe Malia's found something," I suggested with a shrug.

"No," Lydia shook her head, "She's been taking a make-up test all morning."

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