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Chrissy's P.O.V.

"Okay class, put away your books. I have a big anouncement for all the people in this school. We are having a pen pal project that we are sharing with many other high schools all across the country. My TA will be handing folded pieces of paper. On each will be a first name and an address. These have been randomly assigned. This you must keep confindential. Also take one paper and one only. Finally this will be an independent project. This doesn't not count towards your letter grade but your participation in it will affect your cooperation grade." and Mr. Henderson went on lethargically. Sometimes I just can't help but feel sorry for him that he getting old, lives alone, and can't get a better job than teach a whole bunch of rowdy teenagers.

Slowly the TA came around and one by one each student was handed a piece of paper and so was I. Slowly and cautiously unfolded the paper and srutized it. On it was printed a boy's name, Jack, and his address, in Manhattan, which was on the other side of the county.

But just think about it. This might be a great experience. I have never been to the east coast nor have I ever taked to a person from that reigon. It'll be nice to talk to someone from a "forgien land".

"So here's the deal. Every monday, you will show me a letter and and envelope. You will place those in the bag that my TA is coming a round with. I can see if you brought a letter or not. Remeber this is you cooperation grade." Mr. Henderson ended his speech with the bell.

"Class dismissed!" he slowly said as he dragged out the d.

I slipped my binder into my backpack, zipped it up and slung it over my shoulder.'Thank God eniglish is the last period of the day" I though as I breathed out a smile. "Have a nice day Mr. Henderson!"

"Yeah, yeah." was his response

With that I hurried out the door to my locker where Danielle was waiting for me.

"Hold on, I just need to put away my english binder and we can go." I told her

"Kay kay, gurllllll..." she said.

" Oh gosh, you need to brush up on your colloquialism, comrade."

"Hey, don't judge!" Danielle said indignatly while I slammed my locker shut.


Jack's P.O.V.

Ryan's car pulled around the corner and slowly came to a stop at the curb. He honked twice getting me to look up from my phone. I waved then picked up my backpack and headed towards the car.

I slowly trudged across the lawn and right before I could make my first step on the side walk, Ryan honked twice more causing people to stare. I rushed into the caring hoping to escape the embarassment.

"Soooo," Ryan turned around from the drivers seat with a horrifing smile," how was your day?"

"Ummm...average...well we got this new project. It's like this pen pal thing. I got this girl named Christina and she's from LA. I just have to wait for her first letter, and yeah."

"Cool, cool. When are you thinking of making the new video?"

"Probably tomorrow, tomorrow's friday..."

"Adam was thinking the same."


Chrissy's P.O.V.

The first thing I saw was a bright pink note hanging from the table near the door. I picked it up and read it.

I'm out for Kevin's practice. There are leftovers in the fridge. Please don't do something crazy.

I could obviously tell it was was mom because if it was dad, I wouldn't be able to read it.

'Sigh...' was my only thought.' Homework, wait, I have no homework, I'm not hungry, wait, I could start writing the letter.

I went upstairs to my room, walked in and threw down my backpack. I seated myself in my comfy desk chair. I opened the drawer underneath the desk and a sheet of stationery that I use to write to my grandmother in North Dakota.

My fingers stretched to grab the pen sitting not too far away. I pressed down and it clicked. Using a standard opening it wrote "Dear". 'I do hope it reaches him. After what seemed like years of contemplation, I settled with,

" Dear whoever this is(hopefully named Jack),

My name is Christina, but you can call me Chrissy. I live in the Golden state with my parents and my brother. I go to Westbrook High School..."






Author's Note:

I think this is the first ever AJR fic, soo yeah... comment, vote, follow!

Sincerely || Jack MetWhere stories live. Discover now