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Jack's P.O.V.

"Jack, there's someting for you in the mail!" calls my mom. 'Oh, boy, what could that be,' I wondered. I have never gotten mail before, unless you count my report card, but that's not exactally addressed to me. But, anyways, I ran towards the kitchen, where my mom was and greatfully took the letter. I scrutinized the baby blue envelope and found out it was from Los Angeles, California and it had my name written in large, round, perfect cursive in black ink. How peculiar. Wait, my pen pal for the project is from LA. It must be her. I slowly carefully ripped open the letter while I walked all the way down the hallway to my room. I sat down on my bed to be more comfortable and pulled an ivory colored piece of paper neatly folded into thirds. I unfolded it to find mre of the perfect writing covering the sheet of paper that I began to read. It read:

" Dear whoever this is(hopefully named Jack),

My name is Christina, but you can call me ChrissyI live in the Golden state with my parents and my brotherI go to Westbrook High School in Los Angeles,California. Brunette, 5'4, hazel eyes.

If you want to know about my life, it is quite boiring. It consists of school, homework, eat, then sleep( and maybe a little tumblr in beteween). I seldomly play the guitar that sits in to corner of my room that I once took up a year ago. Other times, I will go penny-boarding around my neighborhood.

My music interests consist of, well, not much, I guess. Just indie pop...

OH YEAH, and my favorite color is mint.

I want to hear all about you and your life, cool or uncool.




Well it's nice to get to know some one, but it really isn't without true communication of the traditional face to face talking. Maybe we could connect through social media or something. That is what I'll do. I pulled out a clean sheet of paper and a pen when I heard Ryan yelling, "JACK, IT IS FRIDAY, GET YOUR BUT OVER HERE SO WE CAN START!"

"COMING!!" was my reponse. 'Well I guess I have to do this later,' I thought to my self and trudged to the living room. Already ready was Adam with his keyboad and Ryan with is Uke. "Ready?" Queried Adam. I just nodded. After many hours of reconding and editing, our video was done and we posted it. 

I checked the colck and it read 7:32 pm. I still had some time to start writting.

Dear Chrissy,

My name is Jack. I live with my parents, and two other brothers.  We love to make music and we have a YouTube channel. It's called AJRBrothers. A for Adam, J for Jack , and R for Ryan. You should check it out. 

About my physical self... well I have brown hair and blue eyes. yeah... very interesting. 

I also play the guitar and the keyboard. I...

I was cut off by: "JACK, IT'S YOUR CURFEW, GO TO BED!!!" --gee.. why is everybody yelling at me today? -- my mom hollared.


Let's just hope I get sleep tonight







Sincerely || Jack MetWhere stories live. Discover now