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"What are you doin'? What the fuck are you doin'?! No, no, no!" Brett said pushing T.K away from Charlie.

"You fucker! I was sittin' on a straight flush there!" Ira whined.

"Brett, will you relax? He doesn't have the blood pressure to walk around the room! Look at him, man! What are you worried about?"

"What I am worried about? We had a fuckin' plan! That's what I'm worried about! I want to stick to the plan!"

"Obviously the plans not working well if Charlie's bleeding to death ya dumbass."

"Stay out of it Nikki." Brett said through gritted teeth.

"You got me and my baby involved with this plan. So don't fucking tell me to stay out of it." Nicole said standing up threateningly.

Uh, maybe that's not all you're worried about, huh?" Ira said jumping in.

"What the fuck does that mean Ira?"

"Go ahead, T.K. Ask him?"

"Ask me what?"

"Go on T.K." Ira said.

"Ask me what?" Brett said again.


"Shut up!" Brett said turning to Ira then back to T.K. "Ask me what?"

"Just answer this question, ok? All that money in Atlantic City that you lost-how were you gonna pay it back?" T.K asked calmly.

Brett had the deer in the headlights look. Max grabbed Nikki's hand and made her sit back down.

"Don't do anything stupid." He whispered in her ear before he let her hand go.

"Yeah, how are you gonna pay it back?" Ira taunted.

"None of your fuckin' business, Ira. Why?" Brett said through clenched teeth.

"Well, you see, it's been brought to Charlie's attention that one of us might be in on Elise's kidnapping."

"What?" He asked chuckling.

"Yeah. Well, that's how I felt ya know. But, you know, Maybe it's not that crazy. And uh, twenty thousand dollars is a lot of money." T.K explained.

"So, if you have nothing to hide, you should have no problem telling us how you were gonna pay it back, right?" Ira said bravely.

"Ira, you're my friend. Listen to me, shut the fuck up! Shut up!"

"You set Elise's kidnapping up didn't you? Just so you could get the money!" Nikki said shocked.

"He sounds guilty to me."

"Ira." T.K warned.

"Fuckin' faggot! Come here!" Brett said going after Ira.

Ira ran around the table for safety and Avery caught Brett. Max put a hand on Nikki's thigh to keep her in place.

"Hey, Brett! Come on."

"Avery, Avery. Don't tell me you're buyin' into this fuckin' load of bullshit! Come on you guys, he's makin' up stories to save his own ass!"

"Brett, look, you calm down, alright? I don't think that anybody here is involved with Elise's kidnapping, alright? But I think that it might be time that we reevaluate our plan." Avery reasoned.

"Why? The plan's working, man. He fucking made the call. Why?"

"I think we should just let Charlie go."

"Me too."

"Ira, shut the fuck up."

"He's not doin' so well. We should get him to a hospital." T.K stated.

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