( i. ) THEATER

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°Xan POV°
'Bread, milk, apples, band-aids', I repeated mentally to myself. Last time, I forgot to get the apples and, well... I couldn't go on errands for a while. I loved going on errands, it meant I could go see the magic man at the old theater on the street corner. He was nothing special, just doing a few card tricks, but he was amazing at controlling the crowd. His tricks were good, but it was him that was magic.

I glanced at my watch and hesitated. 3.47pm.
'You have until a quarter past, Xan. You have time', I reassured myself before quickly slipping into the theater via the side door.

He was standing in the middle of the rotting stage, a single light shining brightly on his distinctive features. I glanced around before quickly taking a seat midway through the aisles. The crowd was captivated by him; by his words, his face, his magic. It was amazing how one man could capture the attention of a crowd of over 70 people with such ease.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, elders and newborns, I need a volunteer..", he said, rubbing his hands together as he scanned through his admirers.
"I'll help", a familiar voice smirked. Quickly turning around, I seen my ex standing up nonchalantly and he began to stroll towards the stage, winking at me as he passed.
"Oh! Um, yes, sure, you'll do", the man blinked, his eyebrows twitching slightly into a frown. Ty, my ex, clearly wasn't who he had expected to be his assistant.

Once the men were together, he pulled out a deck of cards.
"Your name?", he asked as he shuffled.
"Ty. Ty Smith", he replied, looking me in the eye as he flashed his white teeth in his heartmelting grin.
"Well, Mr. Smith, I'm going to shuffle the cards and you're going to watch them. Carefully. Pick a card that you could see and picture it in your head. Keep it to yourself, though. Got it?", the man explained briskly. Ty nodded, rolling his head, making an audible *crack* in his neck.

"You can see the card in your mind?"
"Indeed I can."
"Okay. Joe, get ready", he called up to the man who had the light focused on him, who gave him a thumbs up.
"Ty, what was your card?"
"7 of Hearts." The man smirked.
"Joe, let it go", he said loudly, signalling to Ty to move to the side of the stage. A curtain dropped from the back of the stage, revealing a 7 of Heart card spray-painted onto the back wall.
"My name is Daniel Atlas, thank you for your attention", he smirked at the crowd before walking off stage. And I swear to you, he was looking at me the whole time.

{Daniel POV}
That face.... It was familiar. Very familiar. Yet I couldn't place it anywhere. I hadn't made it contort with pleasure, I hadn't seen it smile as I was handed a drink or a meal, I hadn't seen it look distractedly out a window at school... But I knew it.

I ended the show in a slight rush, quickly pulling a gray hoodie on before waiting outside.

I seen him leave with the beautiful creature. Ty. He was too cocky for my liking. Yes, that was rich coming from me, but still.
"You're going home now, yeah? How's Mags? And Billy, and Con, and Ed?", he smirked, attempting to slip his hand into his companions. I took note at how they moved away slightly, the widening of the eyes by a fraction, the eyebrows pulled closer into a frown.
"T-they're good, yeah. But, uh, you know how Mags is, I better be going. See you around", they mumbled quickly, smiling apologetically at him before getting lost in the crowd. Ty huffed and leaned against the wall. He was attractive, I had to give that to him. He was tall, well over 6ft., his muscles close to ripping the fabric around his arms, wavy thick dark hair and bright dark eyes. I did not like him.

((A/N): alohaa, people! I hope you all enjoyed this fic ❤ don't forget to vote and comment!)

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