( i i x .) WELL..

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((A/N): i cba writing about the show oOPS :^) )

"They're gonna be on to us pretty soon", Daniel stated as he shuffled his cards.
"Well, duh. I'd give them... maybe 5, 10 minutes", Merritt shrugged as he continued eating, sitting down on the couch. I lay on the floor, resting my legs up against the couch, filling my cheeks with air and allowing Jack to squeeze them.
"I hope they come sooner. I'm bored as fu-", I started to whine before Jack booped my nose.
"You'll loose the bet if you swear", he reminded me with a grin. I rolled my eyes and batted his hand away. The bet was one I couldn't loose. If I didn't swear for a month, Jack would shave his eyebrows. But, if I failed, he got to shave my head.

Danny, suddenly noticing Jack's closeness to me, went over to the couch and sat beside my legs.
"Whatcha doing, sweetheart?", he asked, before glaring at Jack.
"Being bored. You guys get to practice all your magic skills but I don't have any. Why did I even get a stupid card, I can't do-"
"Xan, honey, you can disappear in seconds, plus you're the quietest thing ever, when you want. Do you think Merritt can do that?", Danny reassured me, patting my leg gently.
"I guess so, but-"
I was interrupted, yet again, but this time, by the FBI.
"Ah, about time", Merritt grinned, slurping his soup.

I sat in the interview room, bored out of my mind. I knew there'd be nobody waiting outside, watching me, so naturally I decided to be a show-off.

Using some tricks Jack showed me, I quickly got out off my handcuffs in seconds. I glanced up at the security camera and grinned before jumping up and holding onto the light on the ceiling, hoping it could hold my weight for a few seconds before jumping over to the corner with the camera and tearing it off.

Within seconds, the door was opened and the FBI agent, Rhodes, and an Interpol agent entered along with an security. As soon as the door opened, I slipped out quietly from my crouching position close to the wall, trying my hardest not to accidentally touch anyone. As soon as I was out, I locked the door behind me and grinned through the mirror.

Naturally, I was brought back in and my interview was conducted straight away.
"Xander Cloherty, do you know how much trouble you're in?", Agent Rhodes sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Nope", I replied back in a bored tone, popping the 'p'.
"First, you steal millions of Euro, and then you escape? You seem like a decent kid, why are you doing this?", he frowned.
"Because why not? Magic is fun, do you have something against a kid having fun, Mr. Rhodes?", I asked back, watching Interpol smile a little.
"You, ah, don't seem to 'ave been as... public, with your talents", she stated with a thick French accent.
"I don't like the spotlight", I shrugged with a grin.
"Whatever. But how did you do it?", Rhodes demanded, anger rising in his voice. I bit my lip and glanced up at the camera.
"You really wanna know?", I mumbled doubtfully.
"Yes", he said through gritted teeth. I beckoned him closer, so he was almost halfway across the table.
"Magic", I whispered.

{Daniel POV}
"You escaped? You showed them what you can do?", I asked Xan in as calm of a tone as I could muster. They'd be keeping an eye on them now, meaning I'd have to protect them more.
"Yes, Daniel, I did. So what?", they said back, sounding a little hurt.
"So what? Now they're going to see you as one of us!", I shouted back. If they were hurt before, now they were on a whole world of pain.
"Well, fuck you too, Atlas", they spat, walking away quickly. Jack glared at me and jogged to keep up with them while Merritt patted my back.
"Geez, and I thought I was bad with people.."

°Xan POV°
"Hey! Xan, slow down!", I heard Jack call after me. I sighed angrily and wiped my eyes. He ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug.
"It's okay, kid, he didn't mean it", he murmered after he kissed the top of my head.
"H-He's right though. I shouldn't have shown them. Fuck, it's n-not like I'm even good. You and him c-can do what I can do", I mumbled into his chest, causing him to laugh.
"Aw, baby, no. He's a fucktard that can influence shit and I'm just a dumb kid that can do a few tricks. You, well, you can fricking disappear in a second. You could steal my jacket right now and I wouldn't even notice. You could persuade that guy across the street to give you his wallet. But most of all, you can handle so much shit. You're strong, baby. Even if that sounds dumb", he grinned, kissing my head after each sentence. He put a thumb under my chin and tilted my head up.
"C'mon, let's get something to eat", he smiled. I nodded slowly, wiping my eyes and smiling a little. We began walking, his arm around my waist.
"And Xan?"
"Y-yeah, Jack?"
"You lost the bet."

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