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Leader- Thistlestar (brown tom with black eyes)

Deputy- Yellowshade (Yellow she-cat with brown eyes)

Medicine cat - Lizardtail (Black tom, Blind)


Thistletail (Brown and black she-cat with brown eyes)

toadfall (Brown tom with yellow eyes)

Aprentice (Needle paw (Black she-cat with silver eyes)

Breezepelt (Silver she-cat with black eyes)

Nightheart (Black tom with brown eyes)

apprentice (starpaw (silver She-cat with yellow eyes)

Snowfoot (White tom with blue eyes)

Cedarsage (brown she-cat with white speckles and green eyes)

Tawnyfur (Brown tom with black eyes)

Ivytail (orange tom with yellow eyes)

Marshberry (Silver she-cat with amber eyes)

Dawntail (Silver she-cat with green eyes)

Rowantail (Brown tom with yellow eyes)

apprentice (Smokepaw (smokey tom with green eyes)

Flametail (orange she-cat with brown eyes)

Owlwhisker (Brown tom with amber eyes)

Tigertail(orange tom with yelllow eyes)


Needlepaw (Black she-cat with silver eyes)

Starpaw (Silver she-cat with yellow eyes)

Smokepaw (smokey tom with green eyes)


Mistheart(Silver she-cat with brown eyes)


Jaggedclaw (Brown tom with silver eyes)

(Oldest tom in Shadowclan)

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