Into the Mountains

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As we went further into no cats land the smell of twolegs got stronger and we wrinkled our noses.
"Why do they smell like that?" Badgerpaw asked
"No one knows why I'm sure that we smell just as bad to them as they do to us." Foxtail replied.
"How can we smell bad to them as bad as they smell to us!?" "Badgerpaw asked
"Stop asking so many questions Badgerpaw!" I told my young apprentice sternly.
"Alright Mothtalon." Badgerpaw.
As we continued walking we were going higher into the mountains and our ears started popping as well the air increased and the amount of oxygen in the air got lower. Soon we were almost as high up in the mountains as the birds that flew over them.Later as we padded further up the mountain the smell of cats started getting stronger and as we neared the plateau a eagle soared over us, just then a cat leaped from a nearby bush and landed on the eagle!  As soon as the she-cat landed on the eagles back she raced towards its neck and as it started flying upwards she made it to its neck and struck it with her front claws and broke its neck and down the eagle fell. Just before the  eagle hit the ground she leaped off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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