Battle Training

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¨Wake up Badgerpaw,¨ I called into the apprentice den.  Soon he oke up

"What is it Mohtalon?" He asked 

"Today we are going to battle train now hurry up and meet me by the camp entrance, grab some fresh kill on the way." I replied to him.VB  With that he headed out of the apprentice den towards the fresh kill pile.

"Mothtalon?" Larkpaw asked.

"Yes Larkpaw, " I replied. 

"When will I become a warrior ," She asked 

"Well you became a apprentice a moon ago so in about five moons." I told her

"Ok Mothtalon.," She said with content.

After that I headed towards the Fresh kill pile to grab a vole that had been caught by Splotch this morning. After I finished the vole I headed towards the camp entrance, where Badgerpaw was waiting.

"Ok lets go Badgerpaw.," I told him and we headed off to the training hill near the camp.

Once we got there I studied him to find his weak spot, which at the time is everywhere.

"Ok so I'm going to teach you what Fawnstar taught me first okay?" I told him.

"Ok Mothtalon." He replied.

"Get into a crouch and try to block me or dodge me when I attack you we'll keep our claws sheathed for this training session." I said and with that I dropped into a crouch and got ready to attack.  He watched my every move to see where I would lunge so I faked a spring and landed on his back.

"Yow what was that for?" He  asked

"You have to learn to study your attackers gaze to see where they plan to attack." I told him and when the day was over we headed back to camp.

"Go get something to eat Badgerpaw," I told him.

"Ok Mothtalon." he said and  stalked away towards the fresh kill pill.

Mothtalon The DeputyWhere stories live. Discover now