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I don't know what is happening to me. One moment I'm fine and the next I'm hurling chairs across the room. They say the Games change you, and I'm afraid that's what's happened to me, and I'm not even in the arena yet. Then again... this isn't the first time I've lost my temper. It happens more frequently as a age, as I become stronger. I am no longer fought with; I am the fighter. I no longer am nervous In wrestling matches at the Academy or wrestling matches with my father; I always win.

I try to hold my head high as I walk beside Clove, trailing behind The Maggot, to the elevator. I glance down at Clove. I almost hurt her today. She was scared of me. I can't live with that. I need to talk to her, but I'm afraid she won't let me. Her face is contorted in an eternal scowl.

The actual training rooms are below ground level of the building, and it makes me feel trapped. I've calmed down since earlier, but I still find my breath quickening often. The pressure of our upcoming training isn't helping.

When we arrive, the tributes from 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 are there. Madeline decided we should get here early instead of actually at 10:00 AM, so we're probably forty-five minutes premature, allowing us more time to take in the room. With its industrial architecture and hearty display of weaponry, it reminds me of the physical education portion of the Academy back home. Glimmer waves us over to where she and Marvel are standing amongst the Tributes in the center of the menacing chamber.

"Hey!" She says when we're within earshot.

"Hello, Glimmer," I say. "Marvel." Marvel mutters a hello in return, but seems distracted by the training equipment around us. It's amazing. There's any weapon you could imagine, plus stations that'll train you for survival skills.

"Anyone seen Four?" Glimmer asks.

"How would we have seen them unless they were here?" Clove says dryly. She is not in a very good mood, and being around Glimmer doesn't exactly help.

"Whatever, Two." Glimmer says, visibly rolling her eyes. She twists her ring absentmindedly.

"Her name is Clove," I say defensively. Clove gives me a quizzical look. I see a question in her eyes, but I don't know which one she's asking.

"I'm aware."

"Uh, Glimmer, maybe this might not be the time..." Marvel says slowly. I don't know if they knew each other before the reaping, but he has obviously witnessed Glimmer's quick temper before.

"We don't have that much time left," Glimmer snaps. It's meant to be snarky, but it hits a little deeper in all of us. We stand there frowning at each other for a while.

"So... Do we have a strategy for the Games?" Clove asks.

"We kill Jonah," Glimmer says quickly. She's obviously thought about this before.

"What?" Clove says. She looks kind of shocked.

"He'll only drag us down, Two," Glimmer says, giving me a pointed look.

"Alright," I say. "I'll do it."


"Later, Clove."

Glimmer looks a little odd. She's giving us both a weird look.

"So, Cato..." She starts. I glance at Clove. "Your costume last night was really great."

"Um, thanks," I say uncomfortably.

"Glimmer, why don't you and Marvel give us a moment?" Clove says, pulling me aside before anyone can protest. I notice Glimmer making a face at our now intertwined fingers.

the girl who played with knives || clato ✔️Where stories live. Discover now