4 | Regarding Physical and Psychological Burdens

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Music: Leta's Flashback, James Newton Howard (Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald)

                           "You can still change your mind, Granger."

Malfoy was the first to reach the doors to the drawing room and placed his hand on the elegant door handle. He bowed his head.

"I know," Hermione quietly acknowledged him, registering the tension in his voice. He still hadn't opened the door.

"But you won't."


An involuntary sigh escaped him, and it wrenched Hermione's heart. This was as much of an agony for him as it was for her. She reached out and tentatively put her hand on his, in silent persuasion for him to open the door.

Malfoy stiffened at the unexpected contact but didn't let go of the handle. Instead, he gave Hermione a sharp look. "I take it that I can't persuade you?"

"No, I need to do this." Hermione held his gaze and saw the guilt in his eyes. He was fighting an inner battle to open the door or keep it closed.

"Please," she whispered.

He pursed his lips, nodded curtly and underneath her hand he pushed down the door handle.

                    If one of the few students staying at Hogwarts over Christmas had been allowed to stay up after hours, they might have seen the Gryffindor and the Slytherin, both a bit too old to be attending Hogwarts anymore, wandering the castle's silent corridors. There was something natural about them walking side by side, guided by torches igniting at their silent approach.

Finally, they reached the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, the sound of the heavy doors closing behind them echoing through the empty space. Like they always did, Malfoy positioned himself in the back of the classroom and Hermione sat down on her desk, pulling her winter cloak closer around her. It was unpleasantly chilly in the unheated classroom, but Malfoy didn't seem to notice the cold.

Folding her hands underneath her chin, Hermione studied him as he resumed his practice of the Patronus Charm. The way he closed his eyes before each attempt showed concentration and unbelievable willpower. His determination fascinated her, and she was anxious to know what progress he would be making tonight.

This third night of practice saw a promising start. The first two times Malfoy called the incantation, the familiar ribbon of light appeared, but the third time he suddenly managed to enlarge the puff of light and make it a perfect, glowing orb. He froze in shock, but managed to maintain the ball of light for a minute before it petered out.

Lowering his wand, he chanced a look at Hermione. A drop of sweat rolled down his temple.

"That was wonderful, Malfoy!" she said excitedly. Her eyes were glistening. "You're really making progress."

The development invigorated Malfoy. Pursing his lips, the Slytherin immediately raised his wand and called determinedly, "Expecto Patronum!" Another glowing orb shot from his wand, even brighter than the first one.

Hermione regarded his efforts with silent admiration. In less than two nights, Malfoy had managed to produce an actual start to a full-bodied Patronus. He'd been offered a chance and he had seized it with both hands. She watched as Malfoy struggled to keep the glowing orb going, but finally he had to admit defeat. It would be the last time that evening he would succeed in creating one. With the orb's disappearance the classroom grew dark, but he had reached another milestone.

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