9 | Surprise Compliance Visit

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Music: Newt Says Goodbye To Tina, James Newton Howard (Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them)

                          "I'm going to propose to Astoria. I've put it off long enough."

Theodore Nott looked up in surprise.

Just before Christmas, Draco redeemed his promise and visited with his good friends Theodore and Tracey in their small but classy flat off Diagon Alley. Draco normally would bask in the peaceful atmosphere at their home, but now he seemed tense despite his effort to hide it. The usual drawl in Draco's even voice masked whatever was going through him right now, though, and his face betrayed nothing but for the restless gaze in his eyes.

Concerned, Theodore sat up. "Are you sure? I mean, I could do something... I work for the Ministry, remember?"

He didn't even bother to congratulate Draco as was customary in situations in which your best friend tells you he hopes to become engaged to be wed.

Draco's face darkened at Theodore's obvious doubt.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Nott," he replied stiffly and took a gulp from his drink. "How do you like the Firewhisky?"

Theodore frowned.

"Oh, come on, Malfoy, don't take me for a fool. Like I don't know what has been going on for the past few weeks," he finally confronted him, ignoring Draco's attempt to change the subject.

This earned him a cold gaze from his friend. "And what exactly might that be?"

Theodore studied Draco. The man hadn't been this impervious since before...well, it had been a long time. He had put up a wall around him and nobody was able to get through to him. He shook his head. Someone could. "She could use a little support, you know. She's all on her own in this."

He had overplayed his hand. Theodore knew it when Draco suddenly put down his glass and got up.

"There's nothing I need from the Ministry, nor do I owe the Ministry anything, Nott," he stated icily, his grey eyes having turned to steel mirrors. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go home. I'll see myself out. Merry Christmas, Nott."

The door to the stylish London flat was closed rather forcefully as Theodore took a regretful sip from his Firewhisky. This was far worse than he'd thought.

                       With Christmas quickly approaching, this year Draco actually welcomed the depressing atmosphere at the manor, which perfectly fitted his own mood. He was grateful that nobody asked him any questions while he tried to forget about Granger - for the second time in his life. Weather permitting, he took long flights over the Wiltshire downlands and valleys. The crisp, open air soothed the aching inside. Up in the air he could pretend that the escaping tears were caused by the nip of winter. To beguile the time, Draco made his mother some new potions so she wouldn't have to go out and buy them. He even helped her with coordinating the decorating of seven Christmas trees, which were to be placed in several drawing rooms and the dining room. Draco made sure the house-elves got one in the kitchen, too. He had stopped summoning his Patronus. The memories that had made the ferret appear in the past, he'd securely closed off.

A week before Christmas, he received a short note from Astoria in which she sent her apologies and explained to him that, given the circumstances, she would refuse his request to see each other. She had already withdrawn her invitation for her family's Christmas dinner. A bitter smile passed over Draco's lips as he read her message. He couldn't blame her. Nonetheless, he needed her to comply with his request. He quickly wrote a short but understanding reply, requesting her to please reconsider her decision. A small ray of sunlight reached the parchment and Draco looked up. There was a weak winter sun breaking through the heavy clouds. Something stirred inside of him and on impulse, he decided to go on a stroll to Owlery and send the letter himself.

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