8 | Notice of Decision

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Music: Severus And Lily, Alexandre Desplat (Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Pt. II)

                         Long after the otter-shaped Patronus had slowly dissipated in a glittering mist, Draco continued staring at the spot where the glowing animal form had been. His heart was still racing in his chest. Granger had received his message. What's more, her Patronus had almost immediately returned with her response. She had actually sounded relieved upon hearing from him.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when a silver light filled my bedroom and this familiar ferret appeared with a message for me," her Patronus had whispered. "How on earth did you manage to have your Patronus convey messages...?"

She was clearly impressed by his feat, and it had set his heart alight. He'd felt as if they were back in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and Granger was beaming at him at the smallest amount of progress he'd made with the Patronus spell. He'd almost missed the rest of the message, which had definitely sounded more downhearted.

"I feel I must apologise to you. Again," the otter had told him in its tinkling voice. "Especially after all the trouble I've already gotten you into, I feel horrible for not keeping in touch. I've been feeling so guilty for what had happened in the drawing room that I was sure you wouldn't want me to bother you again. After all, I had already placed an inexcusable burden on your shoulders with my demand to see the drawing room and then losing consciousness. I surmised that you would not want to be bothered by me anymore. But I was mistaken. You have the right to know how I'm doing. I'm sorry, Malfoy."

Draco had taken in every word the otter had said. He had not been looking for an apology, but to know how she was doing had a balming effect on him. He finally knew she was fine and that was all that mattered.

"After you brought me home, I slept for twenty-four hours and when I arrived back at the Ministry, everyone was led to believe I had been prey to influenza. Of course, Harry wasn't to be fooled," the otter remarked. "But my speedy recovery was enough to satisfy him."

Draco's face had darkened at this. Perhaps it had been Potter who had advised against contacting him. The man was far too protective of the Malfoy family to his liking. The otter had concluded with a compliment on Malfoy Manor's positive inspection outcome. His view to the notice of intention, however, would not be taken up, as it hadn't been sent to the right address and it had merely inquired after one of the inspectors' physical condition. Then the otter had disappeared. Its last words had drawn a small smile to Draco's lips. He imagined the amused sparkling in Granger's eyes when she had conveyed this message.

It took only one moment of hesitation for him to summon his own Patronus. There was one last thing he'd needed to know.

The reply had come just before he'd gone to bed. "It's better now. Sleep well, Malfoy...and thank you for..." The otter had paused as it had begun to disappear. Its last words had been a whispered echo as if it had caught Granger just before it had left. "Thank you."

And Draco went to sleep knowing a window of opportunity was still left open.

                     The next morning, Draco woke up early but well-rested, having fallen asleep with the image of Granger's Patronus in mind. He hadn't slept this well for a very long time. For the first time in maybe years, he felt calm and peaceful, and the pressure behind his eyes was gone. Blissfully relaxed, he turned towards the murky ray of light peeking through the closed curtains. It would soon be dawn. Appearing on his features was a rare smile as he jumped out of bed. A quick flight across the estate wouldn't hurt. He should be back in time to join his parents for breakfast.

Perhaps his mother noticed his lighter step when Draco entered the sun room, fresh and alert after enjoying his ice cold airborne version of a morning walk and a quick shower. Narcissa's cool blue eyes followed her son's energetic movements. He was chipper beyond anything she had ever seen of him. She refrained from commenting on it, though, leaving Draco be as he engaged in a serious conversation with his father. There were upcoming fiscal benefits for rich wizarding families who donated substantial amounts of Galleons to charity, sums which could either be deducted from taxes due or from the reparation payments that many Pureblood families - including their family - turned over each month. Making himself a sandwich Draco quietly conferred with his father on which of the possibilities would serve their interests best.

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