Chapter Three

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After about a week at my safe house I figured that the Winchesters had given up on trying to find me, so I headed out on another case that I found in Ohio. Two dead with their eyes burned out of their sockets, I figured it could be a demon so decided to check it out. When I arrived in the town I went to the cheapest motel, and tried to get the room closest to the parking lot, but it had already been reserved so I got the one next to it. I spent the next hour or so checking out the lore on these kinds of deaths when my door was kicked in. Sam and Dean, both with guns in hand barged in and Sam said," Don't even try to reach for that gun" as he gestured to my pistol on the table.

"Get up and walk towards us, slowly" Dean added and with no options I did as they said and walked over. When I reached them, Sam turned me around and tied my hands while Dean brought over a chair and tied my feet to it. I wondered how they found me, but Dean snapped me out of my thoughts by splashing me with holy water, while Sam cut me with a silver blade, regular checks that hunters run on each other to make sure they aren't monsters.

"Why did you say that you're our sister, we don't have a sister" Dean said after they finished all the tests. I took this as my chance out and decided to lie. Maybe if they thought that I was just some other hunter they would leave me alone.

"I'm not, I lied. I just needed a distraction to get away. I'm sorry about all this fuss you can untie me I'll work the case in town and then we never have to see each other again" I said with a smile at the end.

"Oh the case in town? Yeah we already know who it is, and what. It's our buddy, the angel Castiel, he was killing demons. And we didn't believe anything you said when we first met, and we certainly don't believe anything you say now, but Cas, he can just look at you and tell if you're our sister, so why don't we let him" Dean said with a smug smile.

This freaked me out, since I had heard of angels but had never actually encountered one before, not to mention that my brothers were about to find out that we are related. A man with a trench coat walked in, gave me a weird look and finally said,"She is a Winchester, from what I can tell your father John had an affair with her mother and then she gave birth to Laura. Her mom then raised her as hunter since she was John Winchester's daughter she figured that they would be in danger constantly from his enemies. However when Laura was 19 her mother was killed while they were hunting a demon. The demon possessed her mother and then proceeded to shoot herself in attempt to stop Laura from exorcising her, but Laura did anyway and her mother died in her arms" Cas finished leaving all of us speachless.

"Wow just tell them my whole life story why don't you" I said breaking the awful silence.

"I believe I just did" Cas replied obviously not getting my sarcasm. The boys just stood there stunned, I guess I would be too if I was in their position. In his shock, Sam moved over and untied my hands thinking that them finding out this information somehow changed something, but as soon as I was free I started punching him and when he was down I went to punch Dean, but I was thrown against the wall by their angel friend.

"Why do you hate us so much? We never did anything to you!" Sam shouted getting off the floor.

Very calmly I replied,"Because as I held my dying mother in my arms she said one thing, to stay away from the Winchesters because they will get me killed."

With that I passed out from the pressure of the angel keeping me on the wall, but the last thing I saw was the hurt in the eyes of my brothers.

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