Chapter Twenty-One

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Laura's POV

Jo and I were basically silent the entire ride to the bunker. I guess her conversation with Dean was less than stellar. I was happy to get back to the bunker, but even happier that Jo was coming, as being alone with the boys was still a bit awkward. When we got to the bunker Sam and Dean went in first followed by Jo, and then me. When we walked in we saw a blonde women in the middle of the room looking a bit pissed off.

"Mom what are you doing here?" Sam asked as he went up and hugged her.

"I'm looking for my two sons who have forgotten how to use the dam phone. I was worried when you didn't respond to me!" She said hugging Dean after Sam stepped aside.

"Oh shit," I said realizing that this was Mary Winchester, my brother's mother.

"Who are they?" Mary asked turning to me and then back to Sam and Dean.

"We are the two girls who will be leaving now," I said turning to leave and grabbing Jo.

"No, Laura you aren't," Dean said running after us and standing between me and the stairs.

"Dean come on, this doesn't have to happen. She's your mom, I'm your half sister who your Dad pretended didn't exist," I said lowering my voice.

"Maybe I should go, even if you don't," Jo said in a lower voice as well.

"No, you shouldn't. You owe me an end to that conversation. And you, you are not just some person we met on the job, your our dam sister and you are staying," Dean said grabbing my arm and walking back toward Mary.

"Mom, this is Laura Covell, and Jo Harvelle. Laura is our sister and Jo is our friend," Dean said with a hesitant tone.

"John had another child?" Mary said surprised.

"Um yeah, he kinda knocked up my mom and took off. Not that you know he wasn't a good guy, I mean I wouldn't know I never met the man, but I'm sure he was awesome!" I said trying to remedy the awkward situation.

"Oh, and you're a hunter?" Mary asked.

"Yeah my mom kinda raised me in the life, figured that having John as my dad would put a target on my back," I said avoiding eye contact.

"And where's your mom now?" Mary asked.

"Dead," I said without further explanation.

"Oh I'm sorry-" Mary started but I cut her off.

"Please don't apologize, it's not your fault. Now I think that Jo and I should leave," I said trying to exit again, but this time Mary stopped us.

"No I think you should stay, we could use all hands on deck. That's why I'm here with Cas," Mary said turning back toward the boys.

"Is he okay?" I asked excited at the possibility that he was.

"He's better, not a hundred percent, but not as bad as he was. Just a little out of it," Mary said answering my question.

"Why do we need all hands on deck?" Jo asked confused.

"Well I've heard some whispers that Lucifer is back, and that he has been planning something big, like apocalypse big," Mary said, and my heart dropped. I actually almost fainted but Jo caught me thankfully.

"What kind of whispers?" Dean asked looking at me first and then Mary.

"Word is that he let a prisoner go a few weeks back, and now he's gonna use that prisoner as bait to kill you two, and then literally raise hell," Mary said.

When I heard those words, my mind went blank. He was coming back, and he was coming for me, and my family. When that news registered in my head, I actually fainted.

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