Chapter Ten

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When I arrived at the bunker it was pretty late, so I tried to be quiet so I didn't wake anyone up, but I guess Dean was waiting for me.

"Laura, what the hell?" Dean said in a scruff voice.

"I was helping a friend who needed time before she could face you. I know your upset, but that is what Jo needed, and so that is what I did," I replied in a calm voice.

"I know that's what you think you did, but what you actually did was out Jo in all types of danger, so you are going to tell me where she is," Dean said but I quickly interrupted him.

"No Dean I'm not. I know you think that everyone is safest with you, but Jo has been back for a year and a half, and has protected herself from everything that has come at her. She will be fine on her own, and when she is ready to see you, she'll reach out," I said walking away.

"Don't walk away from me," Dean said approaching me.

"Excuse me?" I asked in a shocked tone.

"I said don't walk the fuck away from me. You are in my bunker, not yours. This conversation is not finished until I say it is, so don't walk away. Now where is Jo?" Dean asked again getting a weird look in his eye.

"Look I thought we established that you can't control me, but I'm gonna chalk that up to shock. Look I know you and Jo had a thing or whatever, but-" I said but was interrupted by Dean slamming me against the wall and putting his arm at my throat.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Dean yelled in my face. I was struggling for breath so I did the only thing I could do, fight back. I kicked his knee, so that he had to break the hold on me, and when he went to grab his knee I punched him in the face. He then fell to the ground where I kicked him in the face to knock him out. I immediately went to my room packed my stuff, and left a note on my bed that said," Ask Dean, and he will tell you why I'm gone and not coming back, sorry Sam."

I then hoped in my car, and tried to go back to my old life. I was back to crashing in shitty motel rooms and eating crappy diner food, in a way I had kind of missed the freedom of this life. I stopped in to see Jo every once in a while, catching up and asking if she had any news on where my brothers were so I could avoid them.

It was about six months until our paths crossed again in Illinois. I was working a demon case when I saw that stupid Impala ride up to the crime scene I was at. I was in the middle of questioning a witness when I saw, and tried to make a swift exit, but wasn't so lucky because Sam saw me and caught me.

"WHAT THE HELL LAURA? YOU JUST LEAVE WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE?" Sam yelled when we were away from the crime scene.

"I left a note," I said keeping my eyes on the ground.

"That note was a lie and you know it," Dean said from behind Sam.

"There wasn't anything to even lie about, I just told him to ask you what happened, unless you were too drunk to remember," I spat back.

"I didn't do anything!" Dean yelled.

"The fuck you didn't. You almost choked me out Dean, I was not going to stand for that shit," I said.

"You knew where Jo was, so I needed that information-" Dean began until Sam cut him off.

"DEAN WHAT THE HELL?" Sam screamed.

"Come on you would have done the same thing Sam," Dean said with pleading eyes.

"NO DEAN I WOULDN'T HAVE SHE IS OUR SISTER" Sam yelled in Dean's face.

"Both of you shut the hell up, people are staring," I said smiling and waving at the people's who's attention we had grabbed.

"Dean apologize," Sam said with a stern look.

"I'm sorry Laura," Dean said with a blank expression.

"Yeah ok that was totally believable. Anyway I got this you guys can head out of town," I said walking away. I felt an arm grab me, I turned around expecting it to be Dean, but it was Sam.

"No, you don't get to decide when to leave, we are family like it or not, and don't give me any of the 'You have to earn the tittle of family' crap you have been spewing since we met. Dean is your brother, I am your brother, so suck it up, because you don't get to walk out on family. We are handling this hunt together and so help me if you try to skip town I will handcuff you and Dean together," Sam finished

"WHAT?" Dean and I both whisper-yelled at Sam.

"If you don't try to leave, that won't happen, so come on," Sam said walking towards the Impala.

"You follow us to the motel," Dean said getting in their car.

"Fine," I grumbled as I got in my car.

I sure as hell didn't want to be working this case with my brothers, but with Sam threatening handcuffing Dean and I, I couldn't take my chances. I did not want to spend any more time than I had to with Dean.

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