#1 Valentines Day

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Lockwood's POV

It was a normal day at Lockwood and Co. we had finished our cases and we were now resting. I nearly got a ghost touch and George was ghost locked. Lucy was sketching, George was eating his doughnuts with tea and I was reading my magazine. I don't know why but my gaze slowly started drifting off to Lucy. I couldn't help but look at her beautiful eyes...No Lockwood she's your employee, not your girlfriend. A voice from my head told me. 

"You have a problem?" Lucy suddenly broke the awkward silence. I realised she saw me staring at her.

"No, why would I?" I defended myself like nothing happened. I saw George laugh when I turned back to my magazine.

"I'm going to bed, " Lucy said it was her phrase that she would say most of the time after cases. She left me alone with a laughing George. As she was leaving I saw him pulling kissy faces at me. 

"You need to tell her, and by the way, it's Valentine's day tomorrow," George exclaimed whilst holding a doughnut close to his mouth. 

"I don't think she likes me, did you hear the tone that she spoke to me in?" I asked him.

"Your an idiot, of course, she likes you. Why can't lovebirds ever understand that they love each other? I don't get it. Ask her out on a date...I have an idea, go to her room tell her you to love her, they do your thing after asking her out. She'll appreciate it." He said chewing on his chocolate doughnut. I was speechless. I thought about Georges idea and decided I should give it a try.

Lucy's POV 

Did I just see Lockwood staring at me? Oh, my God, I need to react somehow.

"You have a problem?" Stupid Lucy what did I just say? Ughh

"No, why would I?" He smiled at me. I could feel myself turning red. Before I could be a tomato I quickly blurted out that I was going to bed. I put my sketchbook on the table and started walking upstairs, then I heard Geoge say something...I know eavesdropping isn't good but I was so desperate. I put my ear close to the door and started listening. Lockwood likes me? What? Once I heard their conversation I quickly but quietly ran to my room. I got changed into my PJ's and crawled into my cosy bed. Knock...Knock...Knock.

"Come in, " I said. It was Lockwood, I though that I already started blushing. I hid my face with my pillow. My heart was racing rapidly, it never did before though. Once he came in he closed the door behind him quietly. He came closer and sat on my bed. Was he going to do what I thought he was going to do? I gulped and asked him, "Why are you here?" I said in the same tone I did before. Stupid Lucy whenever the love of my life makes a move I ruin it.

"Amm...Luce, I have been considering this for a while....damn it, how do people do this." He mumbled the last bit to himself.

 "I don't know, you tell me," I said chuckling slightly. 

"Well, what would you do if I did something strange?" He said sounding insecure.

"Like what?" I asked. Instead of hearing an answer he pulled me closer and our lips met. If I said my heart was racing before then it was sprinting now. I felt electricity run through my whole body. I shivered, it felt like my life was flown back inside me. His lips fit mine perfectly, his were warm but firm. He broke the kiss and his eyes twinkled.

"Something like that." He smiled. It wasn't his 100-megawatt smile that didn't cost much to fire off at people, it was a real one, it was invented for me. Before I could process what I was doing I said to Lockwood "Would you like to go on a date with me?" I blushed. So did he when he heard my question.

"Yes," He grinned. This time I put my hand around his neck and kissed him. Suddenly he deepened the kiss...

"Wow, sorry I don't want to be the third wheel." It was George, he was standing at my door. We both screamed his name and to get out. He obeyed our words and left.

How's my first one-shot? Don't worry there will be more. Thanks for reading I will enjoy if you comment. Also if you have any ideas pls tell me. Your Katrina,  <3     XXX

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