~~3~~I Love You

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~~~Lucy's POV~~~

"Have we got any cases today, Lockwood?" I asked while sipping on my tea. "Please not that granny with the cat, I've had enough of that."

"Well, we have a client that saw a dark shape, he said that his daughter had heard screaming. The man also said the ghost had not made any moves towards his children. So it's probably just a Shade." Lockwood said. I just looked at him, then nodded.

"Okay...George, Holly coming with us?" I said.

"Holly's coming with us, George has to go to the archives. Is that ok?" Lockwood smiled. I just mumbled Uh Um and went to the basement to practise my rapier skills on Floating Joe and Esmeralda. I grabbed my rapier from the rack and started practising the ward knots that Lockwood taught me. Why Holly, why did she have to come? Holly that, Holly there...Holly everywhere. She's replacing me now, why did she have to replace me? Why did she have to ruin my friendship with Lockwood? Some kind of feeling was filling me, it was jealousy. I was jealous of her beautiful appearance, of her flirting with Lockwood and he going along with it. I was with jealous of everything. Only 1 month ago I realised where all this anger was coming from, why I was so jealous of Holly spending time with Lockwood...I..I love him. I love Lockwood. I kept practising without a single word. I was so angry, but there wasn't a complete reason why.

"I see practice is doing you good." Lockwood was standing near the rapier racks. "You mind if I join you?" He asked. Yes, of course, I mind.

"Um...I was finishing right now, so...I'm going to go take a shower..." I mumbled and ran off to the bathroom. I left Lockwood standing in the basement confused. I thought I heard him snicker. I washed my face and turned the tap on to bill the bath tub. I started to undress when I suddenly heard a miserable voice...OOoooo Lucy, maybe you would want to move me next time, you see I have a great view here. The skull was on the toilet seat. I screamed and covered myself with a towel.

"Wha..? How long have you been here!? How did you even get inside here?!" I shrieked. 

That George was taking bubble baths again, that was terrifying. But, I don't mind watching you in the front seat.

"GEORGE!!!!" I got dressed and stormed out of the bathroom. He was sitting on a chair near his desk, he was asleep. I whacked George on the head and he cried out in pain.

"What the hell Lucy!?" He suddenly sat up facing me.

"Why did you lea-" I started criticising.

"Later...k? Let me sleep I need to go to the archives soon." He moaned. I ran back to the bathroom, moved the skull to George's desk and quickly took a shower. It felt very refreshing. I went to my room and put my working clothes on. Then after me sketching for half an hour I finally packed our duffel bags.


I walked out of the cab and Lockwood and Holly followed behind. We arrived at a small house. As soon as I walked in I could feel a strong unearthly presence, I knew that this wasn't just a Shade. I walked inside one of the rooms and laid out my chains. Holly went to the kitchen to make us some tea. Lockwood and I stayed in the room where I thought the source would be. I didn't know why but Holly took forever to make us tea. After 10 minutes of me wondering around the house and touching strange objects, I finally found the source.

"Hey, Lockwood, I found it!" I shouted to Lockwood.

"Great job Luce, come on let's seal it." He said, then he told me to follow him to the room where we started. Suddenly the doors slammed shut. Lockwood tried to open them but they wouldn't budge. 

"Lucy hurry...The source ...it's a Poltergeist!" Lockwood pointed to the silver seals on top of our duffel bags. As quick as I could, I sealed the source. 

"Good job!" Lockwood smiled.

"Did you see how fast I sealed it? That's a new world record." I smirked at him. 

"Yeah, I'll call Holly for help." He kept smiling. Suddenly my face fell. "Luce, you alright?" He asked.

"It's not the same now...You see we never go on cases together, like just me and you. Holly always has to interfere. And whenever she does anything stupid you protect her, but if I did something stupid you would be lecturing me right now. She's replacing me and you don't even care." I spilt it all out on him. Silent tears started to form in my eyes. I turned away from Lockwood and looked out of the window. He didn't speak...he took my arm and pulled me towards him...then he said this exact phrase: You will always have a place in my heart...Then he kissed me. I broke the kiss and looked at him in shock.

"I love you, Luce, I tried to stay with Holly so you don't think I'm completely obsessed with you, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings that way." He smiled warmly at me. I kissed him gently on the cheek. Suddenly the doors fell apart and Holly was standing in front of us.

"How are you guys? Ok, let's go now." Holly smirked at us. We walked out chatting and laughing. For some strange reason, I didn't feel anger towards Holly anymore...We actually became friends. I and Lockwood walked hand in hand. 

Hehe, I hope you liked my 3rd one-shot, comment if you did.   :)

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