If you wanted a one-shot, don't bother reading.

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^ My whole life in one sentence xD    btw quite long note= 1097 words

Hey, as you have probably noticed this isn't a one-shot. I'm sorry, but you're probably not going to read this anyway...

So, my friend here is beginning a story on wattpad.

Is it another update about me telling you to read something? Yes, it is in fact, so if you don't want to read this - the door is over there.

(metaphorically of course)

So she is kind of a beginner - but her writing isn't amateur and actually, it's quite good.

I have made her write a story because I know that she has potential, but is just as lazy as me. So with me giving her inspiration and helping her come up with ideas, she finally decided on what she was going to do.

Drum roll, please...

It's going to be called "Paradox Of The Sinned" 

Wonder what's it about...*cough* it's a thriller *cough*   Uhh, what?

*cough* it's a thriller *cough*   Uhh, what?

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Basically, we have decided to do something that involves crime, horror and huge plot twists that will make you re-read the chapter like 3 times cuz u have no idea about wth is going on...sounds familiar?

Yeaaaaa, that kind of book.

Well I'm not going to spoil anything just yet...as it's literally not written...*scratches neck awkwardly and begins wondering what she is doing with her life*

Oh, and also I created that book cover ^ took me quite the while actually...I mean it's okay, I guess, my dude likes it, so all is gud!

It's going to be about a woman who works as a detective and soon get's sent a letter/message that one member of her family passes away and she then returns to her own country and things start tumbling downhill.

Like, really, really downhill...

And finally, I'm here to tell you to read one last thing...

But this time it's my book, called "Vengeance Of Glory"

It is still a draft so whats below is like super secrets, shhhh!

So here's a sneak peek 

(below is the book cover even though it's kind of crappy...)


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Do you know what it feels like to be firmly enveloped in a never-ending sense of dark, venomous, Stygian numbness? Or a delirium hysteria etched so deeply into your soul that you lost knowledge of where it even belongs? Or the agonizing ache you experience when memories resurface from where they were hidden - like strong hands clawing at you with sharp, razor blades, that then leave you in a state of agitation, paralysis and nerve-racking paranoia. That then slowly destroys your conscience, filling you with excruciating agony, and throwing you into a pitch black abyss - void of emotion or life.

Kadyn Hyde does.

❖ ❖ ❖

Join Kadyn on a hectic but thrilling adventure which leaves her in absolute jeopardy and then see how she performs remarkable acts portraying her strength and bravery - or perhaps something hidden deep within her, that she herself has no knowledge of...

ya, descriptive

lol here's a little part of the prologue...

❖ ❖ ❖ Vengeance of Glory: Prologue

The cold, white snow crunched under my long leather boots, my steps a whispering echo along the dark nothingness ahead of me. The quiver felt heavy on my back, my wooden arrows sticking out in many directions and my bow clenched tightly in my freezing hand. I have been walking around in circles, trying to find any kind of animal. The woods near Pryacre were absolutely deserted, with no signs of any life or movement. I couldn't go home without any prey, especially in winter, when food and resources were scarce and when famine hit the Wyvernbush Village.

Without warning, I hear a quiet rustle and the flap of powerful wings, coming from the tall trees nearby. I act on impulse, drawing back the bowstring instinctively. The arrow was slightly slippery as I had coated it in goose-fat to protect it from moisture. The air was brutal, biting harshly on my face as I let out a shaky breath. There were three South Polar Skua's, each sitting motionlessly on a branch, which was blanketed generously with snow. This was rare, as they never lingered around for long in the woods, especially in Pryacre. I aim at the largest one, one eye closing momentarily and my bow string pulled back tightly against my cheek. I shoot, the lack of wind making it easier as the arrow swiftly glides through the air, slicing it effortlessly. Without thinking I reach out for the second arrow, and it's flying through the air before I can react. The birds fall to the ground, wings thrashing, desperately trying to escape from their tragic future. I walk quickly, not wanting the strong scent of fresh metallic blood to spread. I remove the arrows, wiping them with a long black stained fabric, then rubbing slightly with some clean snow. I then put them back into the quiver. I was now crouching down on the ground, wrapping the largest bird, then the other two followed suit. Using the largest piece of cotton, I place it on the ground, putting the birds in the middle, then tying it all together to form one bag, instead of carrying all three separately.

What do ya think? I still haven't edited it and I'm only on chapter 2. Though if u are liking this so far, watch out, because I'm going to start publishing when I have at least 5 chapters.

The first part of Chapter 2:

I could feel my heart hammering in my chest as I stare at the unmistakable beauty in front of me, his snow-white fur glistening in the early rays of the powerful sun. It fascinated me, especially his eyes, which were always swirling with an unreadable emotion, his light blue orbs looking like snowy blizzards - just as destructive, if not more.

I had long forgotten about the deer I had noticed when I first started my hunt or the fact that I was now standing openly on the edge of a cliff. All that mattered was him.

He knew I was there, but he didn't move an inch.

The wolfs head snapped in my direction, slightly motioning for me to follow. I was caught off guard, almost dropping my bow, but his reaction was passive.

;-;       I try lol

Right, whoever is reading this, have nice day u awesome person! I'll see if I can do another Locklyle one-shot, though I am quite busy...

Translation: I'm sorry but I'm too lazy and have no ideas.

...don't mind me

Also, as I've said before, whoever is reading this, you are probably an awesome person and will achieve anything if you really put your mind to it. Have a GREAT day :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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