~~~4~~~The Black Mirror

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I decided that because I haven't updated this in so long that I'm going to make this a very long one-shot. I'm also going to apologize for not updating in so long, high school is very tiring. Sorry again, hope you enjoy the one-shot! I hope this one-shot will make it up to you guys. :)   ~~~~This one-shot is going to be mostly horror, if you came for fluff I don't recommend this. There will be a part 2, that's where the fluff will take place- though I do recommend reading this so you understand part two.~~~~ 

I froze, for a tightly packed string of heartbeats, I couldn't stir a muscle. I looked inside the never-ending world of darkness. Something inside there screamed, it asked for help...it needed it, only I would give it...I stepped closer and entered the darkness. I wandered around for what felt like an eternity, though I couldn't find the way out...

~~~Time Rewind~~~

"George, are you for real?" I asked. He stared at me with his brows knitted. 

"What? I didn't do anything." He defended himself and threw a duvet at me. I looked at him in fury. I took one of Lockwood's favorite pillows and whacked George in the face. He shrieked and ran off.

"MY DOUGHNUTS!!!!" He shouted playfully and ran to his room. I sighed and sat down on the couch. How could he love doughnuts so much? Lockwood came inside the living room staring at me blankly. My gaze slowly drifted off to his twinkling eyes. He smiled when he noticed that my eyes were fixated on him, my cheeks flushed. Suddenly he broke the awkward silence.

"Hey Luce, we have a case soon, would you mind packing the bags? Also, include the new chains." He asked while walking to the huge bookshelf. Grabbing his magazine he sat down, throwing one leg over the other he began flipping through the contents. His actions were so mesmerizing, so planned. I stared at his face, a frown was plastered on it, showing that he was concentrating hard on the old magazine. 

"Yeah, sure," I say, slowly placing the sketchbook on the table and brushing the imaginary dust off my skirt. My eyes travel to his once again, but this time they were locked on me. My heart began jumping around inside my chest erratically, that I even thought it was going to break out of my chest. I break eye contact and walk away.

 I look forwards, searching the long, narrow corridors for the basement door. As soon as my eyes find it I begin walking. I open the door and walk down the stairs slowly not wanting to trip over in the dark. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs my hand searches the light switch. I trace my fingers over it, then turn the light on. I begin packing silver flares, magnesium flares, chains, and rapiers. It takes like 30 minutes to pack everything. Once I'm done I wipe the sweat off my forehead and place the bags near the corner of the walls. I pick up my new Italian rapier George and Lockwood got me for my birthday.

 I start practicing some moves Lockwood taught me before. I perform some hard moves with the sharp sword. After about 1 hour of me practicing on the dummies and sit down on the chair, exhausted. My short hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. My forehead had a thin layer of sweat blanketing it. I wipe the sweat with the edge of my sleave while panting heavily. I place my rapier back on the rack and take a quick shower. I get changed quickly, not even bothering looking at what clothes I chose.

I walk downstairs to the living room where George and Lockwood seem to be in a heated argument. Georges glasses were sliding down his face, while his blonde hair kept falling into his eyes. Lockwood looking perfect as usual, his dark hair swept back carefully and his dark lashes hiding his beautiful dark eyes. I look at him, my eyes sweeping over his legs and chest swiftly. Georges' eyes have fury as he explains something to Lockwood. Lockwood leans back in his chair a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Whats going on here boys?" I say my eyes narrowing on Lockwood. George sighs and reaches for his doughnut.

"We have this new case from a lady who claims to be able to hear noises from her basement, she says she can see shadows, that keep getting closer when she's not looking. She's quite rich, so she also claims that she will pay us lots. She's terrified. When I visited her house in the morning, I could feel something that was off. I haven't done much research, but Lockwood being Lockwood wants to go straight onto the case." George explains letting out a frustrated huff of air before biting into his donut and chewing aggressively. My eyes dart to Lockwood who looked as calm as ever though I could see the excitement in his eyes. As soon as his eyes met mine they lit up, looking even brighter than before. I opened my eyes to speak but nothing came out. I quickly look back at George and then back at Lockwood. My mind was scheming and bubbling with ideas.

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