~~~2~~~ I'm sorry

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~~~~~~Lucy's P.O.V~~~~~~

"Duck" I screamed at Lockwood. He turned to face me and my rapier hit him right in the forehead (not with the sharp bit of course). I looked away and shouted sorry. Why was I throwing my rapier at him? Well, Lockwood dropped his and I had to throw mine to him. He was now standing very close to end of the staircase. We were on a case all alone, George was in the archives and Holly was cleaning the house. Of course, Lockwood thought we were fighting a Lurker. But really we were fighting a dangerous type 2.

"Lucy! Behind you!" Lockwood said loud enough for me to hear. I quickly turned around to see a Raw Bones charging at me with its arms wide open. It was a young woman, in her early 20's. She was wearing a short summer dress, she had dark brown hair and no eyes...Her neck was broken and she was smiling. That was definitely the creepiest Ghost I have ever seen. Suddenly it screamed so loud that everything went black. This was certainly a bad sign. After me wondering around in the darkness for what I thought an eternity, I woke up in Lockwood's arms. I blushed as soon as I saw his worried face. You could see fear painted on his face.

"Lucy are you okay?" He asked worriedly. When I tried to answer I realised I was ghost locked. Now he looked even more worried. He looked at my hand that was swelling. I was ghost touched too. What a brilliant case this is. A high and creaky voice spoke. The skull... After Lockwood sitting with me for 5 minutes trying to break the ghost lock I finally moved.

"Lockwood, what happened?" You could hear the tiredness in my voice. Lockwood suddenly cheered up. Once he finished smiling he started to talk.

"Well, you had a Poltergeist behind you so I shouted to look out. Then out of nowhere, you fainted. You were ghost touched. Say thank's to me, I caught you just in time. I was so worried. How did you manage to get yourself ghost locked?" He said.

"I don't know, it screamed so loud that everything went black, have you sealed the source? Because if you haven't we are in trouble." I moaned at him while looking around, our rapiers were far away on the floor, the chains were downstairs and we had run out of any kind of flares and fillings. If Lockwood hadn't sealed the Source yet were going to be goners.

"Yes, I've sealed it." He grinned, I sighed in relief. "You know how much I was worried? I thought you even died for a second. Please, Lucy, don't leave me...ever. You don't know how much I care for you. Lucy...I-I love you, I know this isn't the best time for confessing to you but...Do you love me?" He stared at me wide-eyed. I was speechless, I liked him, but not that way. I couldn't tell him that I loved him because it wouldn't be true. I looked at him creating an awkward silence.

"Lockwood...I'm Sorry...I..love someone else.." I stuttered. 

"Who?" He asked sounding broken.

"George..." I gulped and turned away from him. I didn't want to see his miserable face.

"I understand, come on stand up we need to go." He said with a harsh and sad tone in his voice. I stood up and started walking out of the door. 

"Listen, Lockwood, we're friends, okay? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but honestl-" I was going to apologise when he kissed me. He kissed me. I pushed him away and ran. I just ran...I ran to 35    - Portland Row and told George everything. He stared at me in shock. When Holly heard the story she did too.

Thanks for leaving me in this stupid mansion, you're very kind. If I wasn't in this jar I would be looking at you and George snogging already. My reaction would be very obvious...EWWW!!!

 A/N  Sorry guys, I know this one is a very short one-shot and there isn't a lot of Locklyle but I just wanted to make a Cubblyle one-shot. Sorry, if you didn't want Lucy to like George. Well, Lockwood is broken and is probably going to kill George. LOL ^^  Sorry again...See ya, and I did try hard on this one-shot. So pls vote if you liked it. Also, read my other work - A day in college, a Lockwood and Co. Fanfiction. Pls follow me if you like my writing. And keep in mind that I try very hard to write something read-worthy. <3 Your Katrina, XxX

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