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Hello, my name is pugle. I was out shopping for some new toys. I finally uad enough to buy a new toy. It was the back scratcher 9000. It was the coolest toy around. Everyone had it. But just as I was about to buy it the power went out.

I hear people screaming. the golden retreivers are attacking. since I am the commander of the pug army I call the ducks in for back up. They say they can make it due to the queen being on a picnic. I guess it is time for a full out attack on them. I take out my duel pug blaster 5000 that is filled with salt. I call my secret service pugs that will inflitrate the golden retriever camp with me.

Me and pug team go. It is me Billie, Milo, Ari and Roxy. We start walking and we got spotted by golden retriever scouts. we get in a fire fight. Luckly me and my squad killed the three scouts. We make are way back around a trench line and blow up a mounted gun with some grenades. But as me and my sqaud were walking we see a huge castle.

Me and my squad thinks it belongs to the golden retreiver king, Cooper. he is a king with a cold heart. He hates everything that isn't a golden retreiver. As they sneak closer they get spotted by gaurds. We nearly get out alive. We get back to pugtopia and see....

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