CH.10: The Problem And The Solution

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Assalamu alaikum dear readers.
Here's another chapter after a long time.

Enjoy reading :-) :-)

It kept playing on Ahyan's mind what Faiz had said. What if his mother finds someone for him. He was very worried. He thought it to be better if he talks to his mother beforehand.
But he felt a bit awkward. He had never talked about such things with her mother.
He ran his hand through his hair, he did not know what to do.

Love is really hard and moreover if it's first love. He smiled thinking about Efah. Whenever he would think about 'love' Efah's face comes in his mind.

He went downstairs to his parents room. It's better if he tells them everything.
If they find someone for him as Faiz had said and then he will tell them about Efah, they will feel bad. He doesn't want his mom and dad to get hurt in any circumstances, especially mom who was his life.

Moreover he did not wanted things to continue in a haram way. If he keeps thinking about her all the time, this would not be good.
So he wanted to make their relationship halal.

He asked for Allah's forgiveness for whatever bad deeds he has done knowingly or unknowingly and muttered "Astaghfirullah".

Sure we are all humans and faults happen. We should always keep asking for Allah's forgiveness and recite 'Astaghfirullah'.

He went to their room.
Samiya and Zafar both were there.
"Assalamu alaikum mom and dad" he said once he entered the room.
"Walaikum assalam" they both said replied.

"I'm sorry beta Ahyan. I am so busy with my work that I didn't get time to sit with you. Come Ahyan sit" Zafar said ushering Ahyan to sit beside him.

"even I haven't spent any quality time with my child. Because of Eshal's marriage, I didn't even get time. And my son was also busy working. I said him not to do anything, zaid will do it but he nevers listens to me." Samiya said with an annoyed expression.

Ahyan chuckled at her behaviour.
He loved it when his mother goes all over possessive about him at times.

"so you have completed your studies. Now have you planned anything further?" Zafar asked Ahyan.

"ummm....actually now we have to complete one or two years of training and then only we will be granted permission to work as professional doctors" Ahyan informed Zafar.

"it means you will again go for two more years." Samiya said being upset.

"Mom please don't get upset. It's not exactly two years. It is possible that the training may finish before two years." Ahyan said trying to cheer up his mother's mood.

"And here we were thinking about getting you married." Samiya said.

And as soon as Ahyan heard it he felt a tinge of pain erupting in his heart.


All the negative possibilities started coming up in his mind.

What if his mother had already chosen someone for his mother.
What if his parents had already fixed his marriage.

But the next thing what his mother said releived him.

"I'll start looking for girls, and you will get married once you come back." Samiya said.

Zafar chuckled.

Ahyan kept quiet.
"what happened dear son? Do you agree about your marriage?" Samiya asked.

Looking at her sweet face Ahyan was unable to refuse.
So he said "no mom I'm okay with it."

Samiya was waiting for Ahyan's reply and as soon as he agreed the look on her face was priceless. She was beyond happy. She started talking to Zafar and telling him about the different girls she knows.

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