Chapter 3: The Charm Bracelet

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"What are you doing Marinette?" Tikki questioned.

"Just looking at the bracelet Chat gave me. It's really pretty and I can't believe that he would get me something so nice." Marinette said putting the bracelet inside her purse. She could not erase the smile she had on her face. Chat Noir's gift had made her happy.

"Well," Tikki said with a smile," he is in love with you."

"Or so he says." Marinette's grin grew. "He's Chat Noir. He could say that stuff to every girl. Who knows how he really feels?" Marinette fell back onto her bed and looked up at the ceiling. She had just wasted 20 minutes staring at the charm bracelet. She couldn't look away from it. She loved the way it sparkled in the light. The only thing Marinette hated was that she couldn't wear it outside of her house. If anyone saw Chat Noir give Ladybug that bracelet, then they might figure out that she was Ladybug. And her identity would definitely be given away if Chat Noir saw her wearing it. So she must keep it in her room.

Tikki flew over to the bracelet's gift bag and looked at it. She wanted to get a closer look at what Chat Noir had given Ladybug. "Hey Marinette. Did you read this note on the bag?"

"What?" Marinette said, sitting up on her bed. "What note?"

"This one." Tikki said, pointing to the side of the bag.

"No." Marinette said, grabbing the bag.

Marinette found a small sticky note with a message written in red pen. "Ladybug. Your hair's as dark as night. Your eyes sparkle like the stars. I can't resist a smile when you're around. I look forward to seeing you every moment we meet. Happy Birthday Princess. I hope you think of us every time you see this bracelet." Marinette stared at the note for a minute thinking. "Well Tikki, I guess I know how he feels about me."

"He must really like you Marinette."

"I guess that explains why he's always smiling at me. It's like every time I look at him, he's smiling back. Sometimes it's weird, but other times I smile back at him." Marinette put the bag down and smiled at Tikki. "That also explains why he's always staring at me."

Tikki smiled. "He did say your eyes sparkle like the stars."

"Stars." Marinette spoke quietly, started to think again. "Stars! Stars Tikki."

Tikki was now confused at what Marinette was saying. "What about stars?"

"They're perfect for my dress. You know, the dress for my birthday party. I know just what to make. I gotta get designing."

Marinette ran down to her desk and immediately got out her sketch book. She stuck out her tongue as she thought of her dress. She had to stop thinking of Chat Noir and start working.

. . .

Marinette woke to the loud sound of her alarm after it had gone off nearly three times. She had stayed up late working on her dress and barely got any sleep. Luckily, she had finished it. It was a knee length black dress with blue and yellow stars on the bottom half.

"What . . . NO! I'm gonna be late!" Marinette shouted as she scrambled out of bed. She got dressed, grabbed her stuff and started running to school. She had been late to school so many times before that her teacher would probably kill her for being late again. It was 8:25 when Marinette got there, so she had 5 minutes until class started. But Marinette was too busy running to school to notice the time. Actually Marinette was too busy trying to get to school that she wasn't watching where she was going and she ran right into someone. Marinette immediately realized who she ran into by the sound of his voice.

"Are you okay?" Adrien asked, helping Marinette to her feet.

"Oh uh . . . Ya. I-I'm fine. Just running to you. No I mean you r-running to school. N-No I mean running to school. Where I ran into y-you." Marinette stammered.

Adrien now had a confused look on his face as he tried to decipher what Marinette was trying to say. He handed her her backpack as Marinette picked up her purse. "Don't worry Marinette. We have five minutes until class starts."

Marinette tried to think of something to say, but she couldn't think of anything that could make sense. She opened her mouth to speak, but then Alya suddenly came and dragged her away. Alya pulled her to a corner of the school.

"Girl I have big news." Alya whispered. "Sorry for taking you away from Adrien, but this is important."

"Don't apologize. I couldn't think of anything to say." Marinette assured.

"I found out that Ladybug and Chat Noir go on patrol almost every other day! I've been keeping an eye on them and looking at every video and picture of them. I even found out that they meet on top of our school! Can you Believe that Marinette? Paris's heros meet on top of our school to protect us." Marinette's eyes widened as Alya talked.

'I guess me and Chat Noir have to find a new place to meet for patrol. And I'll have to try and stay away from Alya a little bit as Ladybug so she doesn't figure anything else out.'

"Uuu . . . ya Alya. I can't believe it."

"You watch Marinette. I'm going to figure out their real identities." Alya said with such determination in her eyes. Some times that scared Marinette. "Oh, I gotta go tell Nino. See you in class." Alya ran away quickly to go find Nino and left Marinette at a corner of the school.

. . .

Marinette had managed to watch where she was going for the rest of the day. She didn't want to be embarrass herself again by crashing into Adrien. Who knows how she controlled her clumsiness for the day? But now the school day was over and she could go back home before she does something stupid to embarrass herself.

Marinette had actually had a really good day. Alya was happy (Even though it involved her as Ladybug and Her and Chat Noir had to find a new place to meet for patrol) and Adrien had smiled at her a couple of times (Marinette somehow had managed to stay calm when she saw him. Luckily he didn't try to talk to her because she hadn't thought of anything to say to him yet.).

Marinette crossed the road to the bakery. She went to the back door and noticed a small box sitting in front of the door with her name on it. Marinette grabbed the box and quickly ran up to her room. She sat on her bed with the box as Tikki flew out of her purse.

"Tikki." Marinette began. "Look at this box I found in front of the back door."

"What is it?" Tikki asked, flying over to Marinette's shoulder.

"I don't know. But there's only one way to find out." Marinette said as she opened up the box.

Inside of the box was Marinette's charm bracelet with a note.

Marinette immediately knew it was her bracelet (After all, she did stare at it for 20 minutes the day before admiring it). She picked up the note that was inside and read it. "I know you're Ladybug." Marinette was shocked to realize what she had just read.

"Someone knows I'm Ladybug, Tikki. But how?" Marinette looked at Tikki for an answer.

"Marinette you lost your bracelet. Someone must have connected the dots and figured out the truth about you."

"But my bracelet was in my purse all day."

"You left your purse open all day. I tried to tell you but you were running to school and then you were in class. I didn't have a chance. I don't remember when it fell out. It could have been anywhere."

Marinette looked down at the note again. "I wonder who found it." Marinette then realized there was something written on the back of the note. It was a date and place.

"Tikki look." Marinette said, showing her the other side of the note. "Meet me on Saturday May 23rd at the park at 3:00. See you then Ladybug."

"I guess I'm going to the park tomorrow Tikki."

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