Chapter 14: Paris Under Siege

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Marinette and Adrien entered the Le Grand Paris hotel talking to each other.

"So how's your mom been since she left the Betweens?" Marinette asked as they walked inside of the elevator.

"She's adjusting very quickly to everything. Yesterday I had visited her and we discussed excuses for her disappearance." Adrien said as they stepped out of the elevator and into the long red hallway.

"That's good. So what did you guys think of-"

"Marinette!" Chloe yelled, stomping over to them. "What are you doing here? This hotel is for the famous and wealthy only. And Ladybug and Chat Noir of course." Chloe shouted, making Adrien and Marinette snicker. "Adrien, you of course can come here anytime . . . but why are you here, Marinette?!"

"I'm . . . visiting a friend." Marinette replied.

"I doubt you know anyone here." Chloe crossed her arms. "And since you don't have a reason to be here, you can leave. But Adrien, you can stay."

"Chloe." Adrien said in an annoyed tone. "Me and Marinette are not leaving. We are both visiting someone and we don't need you standing in our way."

Adrien led Marinette past Chloe with a smile. Chloe was left there alone, full of rage.

"Chloe might hate you now, Adrien." Marinette said, looking up at his smiling face.

"I hope." Adrien began as they continued down the hallway. "Then maybe she'll keep her hands off of me and stop embarrassing me in public."

"Hopefully she'll leave us both alone." Marinette laughed.

They approached room 220 and Adrien gently knocked on the door. Mrs. Agreste answered with a smile.

"It's nice to see you guys again." She said, inviting them in.

"It's nice to see you too." Marinette smiled back, stepping into the hotel room.

The hotel room was huge and fancy and just like Mr. Bourgeois said, it's one of the best rooms. Everything was neat and there was a huge TV that was on, but muted.

"So . . . Mrs. Agreste." Marinette began "What reasons have you thought of for being gone?"

"I have a couple of ideas, but the one I think I like the most though is that I was away traveling and getting clothing ideas for Gabriel."

"That's believable." Adrien stated. "Since dad's a fashion designer."

"It also won't be a lie once I'm back to help Gabriel with his designing." She added.

"What are you gonna tell dad anyway?"

"I'll tell him the truth of course. He deserves the truth, Adrien, and after everything me and him have been through . . . I can't lie to him." Mrs. Agreste looked at her feet, but soon looked up with a smile. "I almost forgot!" She exclaimed.

She walked over to her night stand and pulled something out of a small drawer. She moved back over to Marinette and Adrien and held out a key to Marinette.

"Here." She said, placing the key in Marinette's palm. "Think of this as a delayed birthday gift. It's a key to the elevator in my hidden room. The elevator is unlocked from the inside out the house, but not the outside. I had a feeling that I'd be seeing you a lot, so . . . I think you should have a key."

"Thanks. I'll try to visit whenever I can." Marinette replied.

"I hope so." She said, smiling at both of them.

Adrien's gaze was suddenly interrupted by the images on the TV.

"Wait. What's that?" He said, pushing past them towards the TV.

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