Barry Allen x Reader #3

548 11 2

Tittle: Falling Apart

"You're overreacting, Y/N," Cisco contended

"I don't think so, Cisco," she retorted, biting her thumb, "Barry always loved Iris and now that she broke up with Eddie..."

She was anxiously tapping her foot on the floor, tears threatening to leave her eyes. She had been with Barry for two months but she was aware that he had spent the majority of his life head-over-heels in love with Iris. They met when Y/N started working at the CCPD, way before the particle explosion and she developed a crush on him. She always felt like she could never stand a chance but, a few weeks after he found out about Iris and Eddie's relationship, he asked her out. She had never been happier but at the moment she felt like her 'perfect world' was falling apart.

Cisco was about to speak again but Barry interrupted him as he entered the cortex and greeted the two of them. He talked with Cisco about a new meta for a while until he looked up and saw the state she was in.

He walked towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders- "Are you okay?" he asked concerned, his voice barely above a whisper

She nodded her head and gulped to prevent her voice from cracking- "I'm fine. I just have a lot of stuff to do," she answered and left the room

Barry watched as she did so- "She's definitely not fine," he observed and looked at Cisco, searching for answers, "What happened?"

Cisco debated mentally about whether or not it was okay for him to 'reveal her secret'. Could he? Should she be the one telling him about how she felt?

"Have you heard the news?" he decided to ask

"What news?"

"Iris and Eddie broke up," Cisco trailed off

"I know that, but I just want to know what is going on with Y/N"

Cisco sighed, "I can't tell you that, man"

"Come on, dude," Barry pleaded but Cisco shook his head, "Can you at least give me a hint?"

"I already did," Cisco chuckled which confused Barry, "Just go talk to her"

Barry headed to the treadmill room, a place she would usually go to whenever she was anxious or worried about something, and found her looking at the treadmill through the glass window, her back to him. He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her before kissing her cheek.

"You would tell me if something was bothering you, wouldn't you?" he muttered, hiding his head on the crook of her neck

She remained silent for a while, until the silence was broken by a sniff coming from her. Barry turned her around so she would face him and met her puffy eyes.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked, pulling her closer to his body

"Have you heard the news?" she quietly asked, crossing her arms and looking down to avoid his gaze

"If you are talking about Iris and Eddie breaking up, yes, I've heard the news," he replied, slightly annoyed by being asked the same question but not getting the answer he wanted, "but Y/N, please tell me what's going on, I need to know, I hate seeing you like this"

"The woman you always loved is now single," she sniffed and wiped a tear from her face

Barry looked at her, completely lost, not believing what she had just said.

"What do you... What do you mean by that?" he asked with frowned eyebrows

"Come on, Barry," she spoke weakly, covering her face with her hands, "We both know you always loved her and you only asked me out when you found out she and Eddie were together and now that they're not anymore, I just feel like... I just..."

Barry brought her closer to his body and kissed her forehead- "I'm not going to leave you, if that's what you're thinking," he assured her and held one of her hands, interlocking his fingers with hers, "I know I only asked you out after I found out about their relationship but that was not the reason I did it. I had never asked you out before because I was scared you would say no," he admitted awkwardly

"Are you kidding me," you looked up at him and chuckled, causing a huge smile to appear on Barry's face, "I told you I was really close to Sleeping Beauty kiss you back to life when you were in that coma"

"I thought you were just joking around"

She stroked his cheek and pressed her forehead against his- "I'm sorry I overreacted, I'm sorry I thought..."

"It's not your fault, Y/N," Barry interrupted her, pulling her closer, "You were worried, I shouldn't have given you reasons to be"

"I should have trusted you," she replied

"I should have told you how I felt," he sighted and she tilted her head, unsure of what he meant

"I love you, Y/N," he confessed, looking deeply into her eyes, "I wanted to tell you this before and I realize now I should have but I was afraid you would think it was precipitate or wouldn't fell the same or..."

She was astonished and was unsure of what to say so she decided to pull him closer, pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss he instantly replied but was soon interrupted by Cisco entering the room.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," he apologized, "but there's a robbery and I..."

"I'll be right there," Barry informed and Cisco nodded before returning to the cortex

He turned to her again and she quickly kissed him again.

"I love you too," she confessed with a smile causing Barry to smile too, "Now go get them"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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