Chapter 20

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 The wind blew Nathan's hair into his eyes, and he swept it away irritatingly. His phone buzzed off the hook from his pocket, but he chose to ignore it. His father's words stung. 

 " You should've never been born."

  'Of course I shouldn't have,' though Nathan. " My mother wanted no children. But...things happened.'

 Those things like getting drunk and hooking up with some guy she barely knew. Nathan wasn't even sure if the Father he knew was even related to him. His mother hated him as well, screaming that he was a mistake and she literally wouldn't care less if he jumped off a bridge. Tears welled into Nathan's eyes. ' Why am I alive?' he wondered.

 ' Why can't I just be normal?'

  He had left his house, not planning to come back. He'd find somewhere. Even if it meant living on the streets.

 Nathan walked the sidewalk in a daze. He looked up, tears streaming down his face. He was at Cici's now, though he couldn't remember how he had gotten there. Outside, stood Alex. Of all people.

  Alex's blond hair flowed freely in the wind, his blue eyes suspiciously shiny. He must have been having a bad day. Nathan recalled overhearing him talk about he and his friends going here tonight. 

  Alex was the last person Nathan wanted to see. ' He can't even remember me. Remember US.'

  Anger swelled itself within Nathan's body, and before he knew it he was strutting towards Alex viciously. " Hey angel boy,' he spat.

 He can't remember.


Nathan opened his eyes blearily. He was in the hospital. An IV was stuck into his right arm, and a bracelet, bearing his name, date of birth, etc., on his left hand. He stared at it blankly.

 Nathan Chance. Born on the Twenty First of April, 2001.  

   Was this him? Was this who he was? 'Where am I?' he thought. ' Why am I here? Who am I?' All he could remember...was pain...his parents hating him, wanting him to leave, not caring what happened next. Nobody had loved him. Dread and fear seeped into his bones. 'I'm alone.'

  He screamed.

  Nurses came pouring into the room, the light illuminating the place. " Hon...Hon you need to calm down."

  He screamed even louder. One of the nurses cursed  fought him to keep him down as Nathan struggled to pull himself out of bed. " Let me go!! I didn't do anything! It't not my fault! Please!"

  A figure shot into the room. " Let me see him," the voice said frantically. " Please...please he's my friend." A few nurses moved out of the way.

  It was a boy. ' An angel,' thought Nathan. The boy had beautiful blonde hair...up to his shoulders, though it was a mess. He had blue eyes, as blue as the sea. His face was pale ,and a mask of concern was on his face as he made his way towards Nathan. " Hey...hey, it's okay buddy. It's okay."

  Nathan relaxed slightly. " I remember you," he whispered hoarsely. " You're an angel. You told me everything was going to be okay."

  The boy swallowed. " I guess so..."

   " The where were you? When my parents locked me away, spitting in my face, where were you? I...I needed you." Tears poured down Nathan's face.

The young man sat next to him. " None of that matters now. I'm here now. Everything will be okay, I promise."

  Nathan frowned, then burst into tears. " I'm scared." He grabbed the lad's arm. The boy pulled him into a hug, and Nathan sobbed on his shoulders. " I'm scared," he repeated.

  The boy shushed him gently. " You have nothing to fear. It's okay. Everything will be okay."

 Nathan nodded, his cries turning into shudders. " You can't remember me," he said.

  The lad tensed. " Of course I remember you. Your name is Nathan, right?"

  " I don't know." Nathan pulled away. " I remember you. And my...parents. But that's all. But I can't recall your name." He stared at his hands. " I loved you..." he said.  " You loved me too. But one day you got hurt...Really, really bad. It was my fault. Then you hated me. You didn't know me. And I didn't know why you hated me..." He began to cry again. " You don't loathe me, do you?"

 The teen boy froze for a few seconds, then shook his head, his hair spilling over his shoulders. " No...I don't."

 " Okay..." He was tired now, wanting to sleep. He grabbed the guy's hand. " Please stay with me..."

  The boy responded. " Of course."

  And that's how it was...for the rest of the day


So, my initial goal is 25 words, but it may go over yeah.


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