
326 42 22

Kwanggi High Chat

@realmankayee: tell mark to stop ignoring me, it's been 2 days

@itsjinyoung: if you tell us what happened, we could help

@dabson: I'm pretty sure we know

@realmankayee: it's not what you think

@jaebummie: and how do we think?

@dabson: with our brains

@1plus1isgyeomie: fuck off loser

@dabson: roOd

@itsjinyoung: Jackson?
We're waiting

@realmankayee: I said I was bored
He joked about nudes
It was a joke

@dabson: just a prank bro?

@1plus1isgyeomie: does anything good ever come out of your mouth?

@dabson: quite a few good things have come out of my mouth,
you would know ;)

@realmankayee: why does no one care when it's them saying gay stuff

@itsyaboiyoungjae: you get used to it

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