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Jiang Jiang Chat

@dabson: it's your favourite meme

@ILoveTreesNotHumans:  wow  I didn't know you got a mobile phone Meme
How's papa?

@dabson: ... It's BamBam

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: really? I had no idea, man you tricked me, you got me good

@dabson: yeah anyways...

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: Are you here to tell me that you want to become a tree?
Because same

@dabson: how do you look so cool when you're a dork
well, as cool as a nerd can look 

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: excuse me I have a perfectly toasty body temperature thank you very much

@dabson: can I complain?

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: Don't you always

@dabson: Ill take that as a yes
Awesome thanks

@dabson: alright man
You know I'm sitting with you guys, but you don't know that it's because i'm fighting with friends
well, yugyeom in particular

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: oh I don't? Funny, I could have sworn I knew that

@dabson: anyways
yugyeom is being such a bitch and ruining everything
like, he keeps going on dates and stuff
i mean, he completely abandoned me when he started talking to jeongguk
and now that jeongguk is dating someone else, hes just going down a long line of guys

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: he's so rude. How dare he pay attention to someone other than you

@dabson: exactly!

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: dude, I was joking
you sound like a possessive boyfriend


@ILoveTreesNotHumans: Oh my mistake
but you see, even when Minho stole my glasses,
I could still see you ogling Yugyeom
And I'm blind as frick without them

@dabson: who even says frick nowadays

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: quality people, that's who

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