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**** If anyone has used kik or another form of texting app, this will be similar to that. Each person has a Username and some make a Nickname as part of their Profile ****

Team Get BamBam and Yugyeom To Make The Fuck Up Chat

@itsjinyoung: welcome everyone

@wangpuppy: um what is this?

@jaebummie: can you not fucking read

@sunshinejae: leave him alone

@markrobatic: what's the plan?

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: there's a few

JiangJiang added Your King to the chat!

@almightykey: don't worry, I'm here now

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: is it too late to remove him?

@itsjinyoung: lets get down to business

@wangpuppy: TO DEFEAT THE HUNS

@jaebummie: ...

@sunshinejae: that better be a nice comment you're writing

@markrobatic: Seriously, let's get going, I've got stuff to do

@jaebummie: oh yeah, like what?

@jaebummie: like Jackson

@itsjinyoung: did you just respond to your own question?

@jaebummie: nah

@almightykey: seriously

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: BamBam is in denial, and very jealous
Yugyeom is in denial about BamBam being in denial
So far so good

@wangpuppy: how is that good?

@ILoveTreesNotHumans: ....
Yeah I was totally serious about that,  not at all using the phrase 'so far so good' to make sure people were following along

@itsjinyoung: this is a mess 

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