Where Love Starts

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We both were very suprised. Jinjin walked up to us and said "Were lost. We need directions." We took a very deep breath and said "Yes of course. Come on in." We wanted to scream. But we at the same time couldnt because that would creep them out. We asked if they were hungry, Moonbin and Sanha said yes. The others said they were not hungry. So we offered Moonbin and Sanha some pasta. We had enough because I made a big pot so we could have leftovers fot tommorow. We ate together. Sanha  finished in 5 minutes. He was the first one to finish. Moonbin was still eating. He was also stairing at me. "Asiah?" Aalia said. "Did you notice Moonbin was stairing at you?" And I was like "Yes. Do you think he likes me?" I asked. And aalia noded. We were wispering so Moonbin could not hear. Moonbin loved the pasta. He wanted another bowl. He got another bowl. After we ate, Moonbin and MJ were talking private. They secretly found out them two were Me and Aalia's favorites. They went into our rooms. Thats where they found out. After 10 minutes of disusing what they were up to, they came to me and Aalia. Thay asked if we were busy. We said no. They said " Ok. Good because we got plans for only the 4 of us." Me and Aalia we like "What plans?" And Moonbin said " You'll see." We got so curious. They told us to come with them somewhere. We said ok, and went outside with them. We walked to a garden. Me and Aalia were like "What are we doing here?" Thay said nothing. Thay came to us, went on their nees, and said "We appricitae you helping us. You both are kind, funny, and girls we never expected to meet. So we ask this. Will you be our girlfriends?" We almost screamed. We said "YES!" Moonbin and MJ said "Ok. Were dating now." It was midnight. The moon was out, and all 4 of us were sitting next to eachother, holding hands, and enjoying ourselves. Then I looked at moonbin, aalia looked at mj. They came up to us, then i the moon light. We started making out. After an hour of amking out, we came back to the house, and someone came to our place while we were gone.

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