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The begining of the story is now in progress. This is the part where the begining and part 2 come in. Like it said in the begining, astro got lost, and needed directions. While the others were looking for directions, Moonbin and MJ snuk into me and Aalia's rooms, and saw that they both were our main biases. They came up with a plan to bring us to a garden, ask us out, and we fell in love. But when we got home, our parents came. When we saw them, we were in shock. Now here is part 2. We were suprised that pir parents came. But when they noticed we were holding hands, they started to get offensive. My mom asked "Why are you holding hands? Are you dating?" I said yes. Then she said "They are too old for you! He is 5 years older than you!" I said "So." "So you cant be allowed to date him." she said. "Why!?" I asked. "Dont you yell at me!" My mom commanded. I said no, and I will yell at you. Beacues it was not fair. Aalia and her mom were arguing two. Both our dads tried to grab our arms, and take us away from them. Instead, me and aalia pulled back, and they let go of our arms. Me and aalia were so mad that we turned into monster. Like in bigbang monster. We sang and danced the song. Then we ran as fast as we can to get away before we hurt anyone. Astro knew that we only ran away so cant hurt anyone. Like in the music video. Me and aalia found an abandent building. We hid there

Part 3 is comming soon.

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