The Phone Number

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When Alyssa got home, she immediately went to her room to change. She plopped down on her bed and decided to finally respond to Marco. "I'm home." With no evidence of a response any time soon, she remembered Caimen. She opened her Twitter and went through her followers. She continued until she found what might've been him. Alyssa clicked on his profile and noticed that his header was his truck. With a smile, she composed a tweet. "Thanks for my new friend @caimen__ for coming out today!" Almost immediately after tweeting, he sent her a message with his number.

Anxious, she sent him a message: "I found ya." He'd responded fairly quickly and they continued their conversation well into the night. Marco didn't respond until about five am, and to avoid any questions she left the message unread. Alyssa knew he'd just start an argument if he found out she'd asked for "Whiteboy's" number.

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