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It's been about a two weeks since I've been at my new home and I'm really loving it

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It's been about a two weeks since I've been at my new home and I'm really loving it. Momma, which is what I've been calling Melissa, took me on a shopping trip to get some new clothes since I had nothing. It was pretty fun since Melissa was making me try on stuff and we would joke and laugh quietly. I've been feeling quite comfortable around her and Scott from the start. Stiles is good too but his unpredictable and energetic behavior sometimes freaks me out.

Tomorrow is the first day of sophomore year and I was nervous. People weren't very good for me and the stares would freak me out. Plus there were too many guys there that could hurt me. But right now I was in my room, just finished getting changed into my night clothes before knocking on the bathroom door to make sure it was safe to go in. After not hearing an objection, I go in and do the last things I needed to before walking over to Scott's door and knocked.

I heard him mumble a 'come in' before I opened the door to see him on the side of his bed. I timidly walked over, sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. We sat there for a minute or two before he spoke.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?"

"You s-should know that ans-swer by now bubba."

He chuckled airily before sighing. He had been going on and on about how he was gonna try out for first line in Lacrosse tomorrow and he was excited. I was about to go to bed when I heard a patter on the roof. I sorta sounded like foot steps but thought it was in my head since Scott didn't seem to hear it. That was until there was a thump and we both looked up. We walked downstairs with him in front, mommas baseball bat at the ready to beat someone or something.

He opened the front door and we walked out cautiously. He looked out to see if anything was outside, when a figure dropped halfway over the side of roof. We all screamed until we realized it was only Stiles.

"Woah woah woah. Why do you have a bat?"

"Stiles why the hell are you here?!" Scott exclaimed.

"Well neither of you were answering your phones. Again why do you have a bat?"

"I thought you were a predator. "

"A predator? Never mind. But listen, I was listening to one of my dad's calls and two hikers said they found a body in the woods!"

"A dead body?" Scott so stupidly asked.

"No a body of water. Yes dumbass a dead body. "Stiles replied with his usual sarcasm.

"Hold on if they found the body then what are they looking for?" Scott asked confused. That's when Stiles got all giddy.

"That's the best part. They only found half!"

I grimaced at his enthusiasm and looked at the pale boy with disapproval. He caught the look but shrugged it off before motioning us with grabby hands.

"We're going!"

Scott looked over his shoulder at me and we shared a look of understanding. If we didn't go with him that meant he would go alone and probably get in some kind of trouble, Scott sighed before giving him the slightest of nods. Stiles smiled before shouting for us to meet him in the jeep within five minutes.

I scrambled up the stairs and put on some combat boots I got with momma before meeting the boys downstairs.

We drove to the preserve then got out. Stiles was in the lead with the flashlight while Scott and I trailed behind him. Not due to myself though, I was surprisingly energetic right now but Scott being the severe asthmatic he is, was have a little bit of trouble keeping up.

"Y-you ok there bub-ba?" I questioned quietly.

He nodded with a slight smile on his face before speaking to Stiles.

"Shouldn't the severe asthmatic get to hold the flashlight?" Scott wheezed out.

"D-do you know w-what half of the body we're look-king for?" I asked quietly.

"Huh, didn't think about that. " he replied.

I rolled my eyes before Scott asked a follow up question.

"And what if the killer is still out here?"

"Something I also didn't think about."

I sighed before continuing on the walk. Once we got over the hill Stiles motioned us to get down and on the ground. When we did we saw that the police and their dogs were everywhere. Me being me began to twitch and fidget in nervousness, with the feeling of a panic attack coming on. Stiles then abruptly got up and whisper yelled for us to follow. We both did but at a much slower rate. When we were about to reach him Scott grabbed my arm and pulled me to him as we hide behind a tree. As we listened we heard Stiles get caught and Mr.Stilinski take Stiles back to his jeep and leave. They all left and I was on the verge of a full blown panic attack until Scott calmed me down enough to were I could function.

We walked towards what we thought was the house and as we walked I kept hearing two different things. One, the sound of heavy breathing that wasn't from Scott and two, the clicking of scattered hooves. I shrugged it off until Scott stopped to take another puff off the inhaler when a stampede of deer emerged from the trees. I let out a short squeal while Scott gasped. I was pushed back by the deer and as for Scott, he ended up rolling down a hill.

"S-Scott! Are you o-okay?" I yelled from the top.

I heard a muffled scream before I swiftly ran down the hill to him. When I got there I saw a flash of black and red evil eyes before it was gone. I looked around to see that Scott was nowhere. I frantically looked for the familiar sight of my brother before I hear the heavy breathing again.

I turned around to see the black mass and red eyes once again. I stumbled and fell backwards, the beast stepping right above me. I squeezed my eyes shut as it's breath fanned my face. I dared to open my eyes right as it claws across my leg and stomach. I let out a blood curdling scream as it walked away with a almost satisfied look in its villainous eyes.

As I sat there, bleeding out I thought about the last few weeks. They'd been the greatest days of my life and now it was going to end because I agreed to go into the forest at night. I quickly accepted this like I had so many times in the other place. That's when I felt two strong arms lift up my body. Due to the blood lose I couldn't bring my self to open my eyes as I drifted into the black. The last thing I heard was a husk voice whisper gently in my ear.

"Please don't die. I'll help you. "


It was still dark when my eyes fluttered open. I stiffly sat up and looked around to find that I was on the front porch of my house. Remembering the pain and claw marks on my leg and stomach a look down to see that they were gone and I wasn't dirty. Confused, I just shrug it off and walked inside and up to bed.

We'll be alright I think. You get some sleep before we pass out again. Crystal said which startled me. I sighed but got into bed and as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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