Chapter 2

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Alarm clock is buzzing in the background. I sit up half asleep as I rub my eyes and turn my alarm clock off. I don't even know how I ended up in bed. Last thing I remember is that stupid computer screen. I sit up and stumble my way to the bathroom. I turn on the lights and look in the mirror , my bed head and tired green eyes. As I brush my teeth I try and think "what would of happened if I stayed on the computer? What If it was some programming? Welcome?' "Welcome to what?" with toothpaste in my mouth it made me sound as if I mumbled. Rinsed my mouth then shook my head then I started brush my hair. My bangs close to my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about the computer. It freaked me out, What was I welcome too? Was it a glitch? Hacked? I went back to the room and found some clothes and ate some breakfast. It was pretty good , Biscuits and sausage the same thing I always had. Grabbed my backpack and my phone , made sure to check for my headphones and headed out the door.

Then from upstairs I heard a loving yell from my moms room saying"DO NOT forget your lunch Corey Xavier!" I hate when she calls me by my middle name and she knows it. "OKAY!" I made sure I sounded loud enough for her to hear me but not my attitude. Which is very hard only because I was ready to get on the bus. I grab my brown paper bag and run to the door. "Love you mom!" The moment I glanced at the time , I had one minute to get to my bus stop. Sprinted as fast as my long legs could go and made it just on time. I sat in the seat and relaxed. Finally , a breather. My dreams have been really weird lately. It's probably because of the horror games and such. Eh , what can I say? I need something a little more interesting in my life. Got off the bus with those loud kids and started walking . Finally made it into the main hall , I don't understand how when I was in middle school I was excited to go to High School. High School sucks , it's just more work and childish teens. Teens that don't know how to have self control or common sense.

Until I meet her, Delia Julie Vega, Julie , she goes by. Her soft hazel eyes and her dirty blonde hair. Her hair has soft big ringlets at the end of her hair and has a smile that everyone would love to see. "Hello Xavier." She stands in front of me about out five inches shorter than I am. "Hey." As we talk and trying to get to our next class I hear girls laughing behind us. I dart to look at them, as they were pointing at Julie and laughing. A blonde girl and a group of some girls. Most likely the rich and popular. I mean they all looked like they are wearing masks of makeup and have diamond earrings and rings.  Julie Sighing with saddens in her eyes she looks at me almost trying not to cry. "I'm sorry, just ignore them." Ignore them? They needed to know Julie is my friend. No body , and I mean no body can get away with hurting my friends. "It's okay , I'll take care of it." Julie gets stiff and hesitates , I smile to reassure her that everything is going to be okay as I walk up to the girls. "Oh , look it's the little boyfriend sticking up for Julie! Awww?" They laugh and snicker. One of the girls laughed " Well what did you do? Sleep with her?" I cleared my throat. "Well , I think you making remarks on her is rude and you need to stop ." I just shrug my shoulders and smile. "She didn't do anything to you so leave her be." The girls cackle in laughter. Julie is on the border of exploding in anger or sadness. I can't even read her emotions. "Well your Friend Julie , is a waste of your time."  That when I interrupted . "Do you even know the term of a real friend is?" I can't believe the way they don't feel guilty for saying something like that. "Oh Hun, you act like that isn't a complement!" She smiles with one of the most evilest smiles I've seen. "Oh, so your not a waste of my time? "
The blonde girl laughs with her friends. "Do you know who I am? I'm the richest girl on this campus. I have connections." I start to laugh, and look at Julie and back at the blonde. "You think I'm going to bow down to you just because you are popular and rich? Think again." The blonde girl starts to turn red and balls her fists. "Ugh why you little?!" I start walking away as I grab Julie's hand and I hold it. "By the way you guys are a complete waste of my time and everyone around you." As i mockingly say "Uhg do you know who I am?" I look back at the blonde while Julie is trying not to laugh and cry at the same time. "Well and at least if I slept with Julie it'd be worth my time and loyalty. To bad you missed out." I wink and look at Julie. I can hear the girls blabbing about me. The blonde lets up an 'UHGGG!'
as we walk our way to our next class.

As we walk past a completely empty hallway Julie breaks down into my arms. "I can't deal with them. They've hurt me for so long." Julie cries out onto my jacket. Before I hug her I take off my warm jacket and let her wear it and hug her. " they are just girls who can't except how amazing you are. Come on , let's go clean you up." I put my arm around her and the wait outside the bathroom door. She comes out more relaxed and ready to go to class. I mean , she said she is in a long distance relationship so I respect her and her boyfriend. Where ever he is at, but I overthink about everything. Maybe I should just leave this one alone. I am her friend. That's how she sees me right?

We enter Mrs.Atlas's Class , which is art.
A blonde girl with her hair in a low ponytail and Burnett girl with her hair in a bun work on a canvas , Lillian Powell and Hannah Fest. I think that's them, I hope. "Your late." Mrs.Atlas can tell that Julie was wearing my jacket and she has been crying. "Ms. Juile , Mr.Xavier may we step out side for a moment?" Julie looks at me tearing up again giving me the 'don't do this' look on her face. I know it would be hard for her but I told her softly "We can trust her , maybe she can help?" Mrs.Atlas knew now that this was serious. We step outside the classroom and tell her what happened. Julie then says some things I didn't even know about. Apparently , the group of girls have been bulling her for a couple months. As well over the summer too. She sobbed her heart out. She doesn't even show this. She never cried around me. How did she hide it so well? It was to much to take in. I realize I had tears flooding my eyes. I tried to refuse to cry, but the tears spilled down my cheeks. I got up to her and hug her close. "It's okay , we got this all under control." I look at the art teacher as she tries to hold her emotions in. She takes us back into the classroom and tells us if we need to come and hang out in her room we can. Then I thought about the computer. I wish I could just get rid of all the problems in the world as pressing the keys control then Alt and delete button. The screen turns off and you have to log in all over again.

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