The missing ones

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As I scroll down the page I see some of the most disturbing ads and pictures pop up every now and then. Wait, am I actually surfing the dark web? There isn't away. I stop. I try and gather every thought in my brain. I had an idea and it was stupid. Dumb and reckless but maybe I could find Julie. I look through the page some more and I see an ad. It had a link attached to it.
"Get yourself a child today! Cheap price and just right."
No I can't be reading this right. I click on the ad thinking for the worst. Maybe she is on this website?

It was two days after the party. Julie lives not to far away from my house. So when I heard the sirens. When they stopped by her part of the neighborhood. I knew there was something wrong. The next day I went to school. When I was walking down the hallway I didn't see her anywhere until I turned the corner. My heart sank deep in to my chest. It was a missing poster. She looked exactly like she does in real life. Shock, Anger, frustration, sadness , guilt they all came at once. Yet nothing on my face showed that. I was poker faced. Didn't make any type of emotional expression on my face. I just stood right in front of the poster and stared.

The page opens up. I couldn't believe what I saw. Children under the age of ten months to seventeen year olds. The pictures they had were horrific. Pictures of there missing posters then them laid out onto the floor. As if they were rag dolls. Expect those are actual humans.
I can't believe my eyes I search and search feeling more and more hopeless. A message from the other website pops up. It's that girl I was talking too. Then I opened it and froze.

"We warned you, don't go on the deep web. They will find you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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