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Nixie's POV
Well, I have moved to LA, yes! the same place Luke is, I haven't seen him for probably a year and a half, I'm nineteen and Aspen is seventeen now, I have Italia She is six now and my little baby girl Octavia is eight months, we had to move here because Aspens YouTube channel, were she done beauty so she's bringing out her own makeup tools and accessories and types of makeup and my YouTube channel doing covers of songs and stuff has got me signed, I almost got an album finished too. Right now, I'm getting Italia ready for today, she wants her ears pierced, I got her dressed in black stockings Cream ballet flats and a cream dress and a black short sleeved cardigan, I brushed he curly hair for her and added a black headband, I kissed her forehead

"Ok are you ready to go," I asked, she nodded

"Yup," she said excitedly

"Ok go downstairs auntie Aspen will get you some breakfast" I said, she ran out, I walked over to Octavia's cot and she was fast asleep, she was having a nap, she was up all night so she's very tired, I went and got in the shower and got dressed in my clothes and done my make up, I went in my to my room to see Octavia sitting up in her crib

"Hey my princess," I said, picking her up and kissing her cheek, I sat her on my hip and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs

"Italia come on we got to go" I shouted

"Coming mum" I heard her shout, her and Aspen came and we got in our car and told the driver where we are going, he's our friend so he's gonna walk around the mall with us to his name is Jacob he's 25 so yeah a bit older than us.

We finally finished getting Italias ears pierced and she's so happy, she's all smiley, we walked around more, I had Octavia on my hip all wide awake and playing with her soft toy with her dummy in her mouth and Italia was holding my free hand

"Nixie," Aspen said, I looked at her

"Yeah," I said

"Look the boys are over there," she said, she pointed, I looked a gasped, that's the first time I've seen them in ages

"What do we do?" She asked

"Just carry on walking were going to the car anyway so come on," I said, we carried on and got back to the car and head home.

'That was close to close'

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